Hold Em Poker / Tournies / Home Games

as a new regular i suggest that if ur interested in the tbc game tonite get there early or u will not play fills up very fast just so you guys kno

is this the Tonowanda Bowling Center? Whats the buy in? And some more info…

buy in is 20 usually 25 ppl pay out is 250 roughly or so top 4 places paid is a good time in my opinion

yeah tonawanda bowling center on young… 290 to colvin ext to young (where BJ’s is) and just down the street a couple miles.

im gonna try to talk the guys into letting more people again if we have them. i wasnt there last week but they capped at 22 (gay in my opinion)… the more players, the more money the good players are gonna make!

its a decent time tho…

I might be in for tonight.


^^ im not letting either of u 2 win … … lol

well it was an early night for me last nite… went out 3rd or 4th.

started w/ 200 chips, 1/2 blinds as usual… i call in early position w/ Q-10 clubs… 5 players in the hand, no raise… flop A-K-9 all clubs. i check, another check, guy bets out 10, (pot of 10), one fold, late position calls, i call, guy next to me calls. turn is 7. i bet out 25, guy next to me raises to 50… the other two fold. i figured i would catch someone with A-x. so i hesitated and thought about it… in the meantime, the dealer flips over the river before i made my call. (idiot girl). i saw the river was a 9. i was still calling though… so i did. then the 9 comes out. i bet out 30. guy raises to 100. im like… fuck. so i call… he shows 7-7. oops. knocked me down to like 47 chips.

few hands later, blinds 2/4. two callers, then a guy raises to 8. i have A-K, and re-raise to 40. ten X the bb. early position caller calls the 36 chip raise to him, all else fold. flop is 3-4-6. he checks. i have 7 chips left so of course im all in. he calls w/ A-4. turn 4 to seal my fate. A-4 !!! wtf !!!

haha, not a good night.

You failed. :wink:

wtf bbq!! lol

bump for a game this saturday night.

$ 25 - $ 30 buy in. i know some of you guys want to come donate!! who’s interested??

where is the game?

i think im in. :tup:

badazz mansion… town of tonawanda close to delaware/sheridan. i’ll keep updating here… get players if u can!

what time saturday? once again i work til 4…

we would have it between 6-8 prolly, depending on how many players are interested.

is it your game?

it’s his game, he’s been running games for years afaik

bump. anyone? noone? tonight or tomorrow? i will prolly have about 8-10 players plus who comes from the forum…

I’ll skip this one so someone else actually has a chance at winning.