holy fruit


I would have eaten it.

I wish I could grab it from his hands, take a huge bite, then point and laugh in his face.

I love the end of the article “half of the proceeds…”

Guy is trying to sell pictures of an orange to make a quick $7/ea.

If he wanted to make a story of it, 100% of those proceeds should have gone to the church. This guy is just trying to make a quick buck or two. :tdown:

lol @ comments

Why does the almighty lord and savior, creator of the universe, who died for our sins appear in fruit, maybe is powers are slipping a bit? Seems he just can’t pull together another big bang hey God? Oh well, you have plenty of sheep who will send you money each week to hear that you will torture your children, when they screw up throughout eternity, because you love them. And as G. Carlin said, folks God is all powerful and knowing but he just can’t seem to handle money, I guess adding a few gold coins to the collection plate is out of the question right God?

I hope all of you following any diety appearing as fruit images for your eternal salvation, find your heaven.

I’m willing to bet citrus Jesus tastes delicious.

I wonder what this guy will do with the fruit after it dries up like the virgin marys…never mind!

I bet he could make a pretty penny selling the orange