Holy upgrade in my paintball game..

no, they could FUck your eyes up i dont doubt we wear glases or masks

the rip through card board, paper, they dent cans, but dont break glass

they leave welts up close… but 20-30ft out you dont even feel it


GB online anyone?

ugh this thread makes me remember how ninja destroyed me in a PB game… I was a bloody mess… literally.

I kind of miss playing paintball. We ended up not playing anymore cause we couldn’t find any good players and it got boring running the feild every week. We use to be all it to it - we would have about 6 scubba tanks to cascade off of, about 16 people show up a week- about six boxes of paint. We ended up making our own feild that was bad ass. We supplied paint and parts for everyone cause of our busisness. We always played capture the flag but it always turned into man hunt :shoot:

i would rather play paint but this shit is soooo much cheaper, only thing is you have to use the honor system

That would totally screw me.

:word: Yeah I’m out too

Angel > *

I’ve been playing paintball for about 9 years now(since 9th grade) and have owned just about every kind of gun, or have worked on every kind of gun out there…any quesitons send me a PM

I also used to run www.paintball-forum.com and was an admin since day one before NOV 01’, no time for that anymore :frowning:
My setup:

and me with my old setup, at a tourney 2 years ago :slight_smile: I’m breaking out in front(play front mostly)

word…doesnt matter what kind of gun you have, to an extent!..its all in the player, imean dont get me wrong i would like a better gun, but when im taking down people using $1200-$1400 guns and im using a shity plastic stingray II. If I get back into it i want to get a Spyder E-99. electronic tricgger an what not, not too expensive but a decent upgrade from my current pos.

like i said before…doesnt matter. its all on how good YOU are. me, choda, and jack went to a speedball place on transit a few years back (like 5), anywho, we ripped the place appart, i had a stingray, jack had a piranha and choda had a modified piranha…we desimated everybody up untill the last gae when we went against a real team lol, we got slaughterd…but still. this dude was braggn about how good he was and how much his autococker cost…we destroyed him…ahh good times.

:lol: Nice…

its def player skill…but there comes a point if your team is using cheap guns(stingray, spyders)going up against an organized team. There’s no way you can keep up with the firepower if they have your whole team locked down

I think that paintball is one of the most equipment intensive sports. Your setup is so important in paintball and it does make a hell of a lot of difference. Shitty equipment in paintball will really turn a rookie off from the game. The captain of dynasty can’t shoot a 10 year old with a talon pump out if there are 4 chopped balls in his chamber. Of course skill is just as important, but if you have a reliable/fast/accurate marker you’ll most likely play better.

my .02

ehh… I did really well with my Piranha… really really well. Most of my competition used Angels, Cockers, Longs, and at the very least… highly modified Spyders…

I won a Cocker one yr at a tourny in PA… and sold it to get more paint… for my piranha. No body could believe it… but WTF… I just smoked 50 guys who had 2k invested… and I played that weekend for free basically. Low maint, cheap parts…

all I had was a venturi bolt, I didn’t even have an expansion chamber.

As long as you don’t chop paint… or waste paint… there is no reason to need a good gun. A well maintained budget gun with a skilled shooter will dominate… I remember a time when the Tippman Long barrel came out… and everyone was so impressed with how far it could shoot accurately… well, I didn’t let them shoot me from far away. I worked my damage in close… where my trigger finger did the talking.

I’ve been out for a while… so I can’t say how it is now, but 5 yrs ago… when I was at the top of my game, I didn’t need a $1000 gun to win tourneys.

for you average beginner tourney nowadays…yes…your $200-300 gun will work jsut fine, if you get up against some better teams thought nowadays. Its gonna be a little hard

its still mostly skill, but the gun does play some part

I really like woodball a lot more. I think that takes more skill to play, and if you have a lesser gun you can equalize an opponent with a better set up by out smarting them, hiding better, better tactics etc…

woodball 4L

Very true, you need good equipment if your going against organized teams that are using good equipment, but player skill is at least imo more important.

I used a spyder for a long-time then upgraded to a mini-mag- that was a waste of money!! Ended up trading some kid online for a bushmaster and fell in love with the gun. If I ever got into the sport again I would get another ICD B2K. Never had to worry about o-rings cause it had a derlin bolt, plus being electronic w/ 3 shot full auto or semi ( I think it had 6 shot too) it was kick ass. :whip:

You would have played even better with a higher end marker, ESPECIALLY in speedball.

i agree with zong, when we were on the ub team a few years ago we played a tourny at grc, member that man? my fucking cocker chopped a million and a half balls, needless to say i played like shit, i was pretty much a dummy getting unloaded on, if my gun was shooting, we would have done much better. having a gun that is consisitently good and accurate is worth a lot.