home brew crew?

you can get the basic start up kits for about $89.


thanks for the input Rex!

Can you tell I’m single. I broke down and bought a kegging setup for the 10 gallons I had in secondaries. MMMMMMMMMM so good, so much easier now. Goodbye bottles.


You can tell you are single not by the fact that you bought it, but by the fact that it is in the main fridge lol. I am going to be building a walk-in to support my keg system, it should be pretty pimp.

I think I want to convert a chest freezer to a fridge, and put all the taps on the front of it. I could load 4 kegs really easily and also have room to chill a lager brew. I will weld up some fancy stainless drip tray system for it. Thats the initial cheap kegerator, well as cheap as they get.

anyone on here still do this? My father bought me a kit for Christmas from Niagara tradition, came with an IPA. Good first brew or should I grab another kit? Any tips or tricks aside from the given directions?

The niagara tradition partial mash kits are great! They’re also sooooo helpful if you ever need anything

i haven’t made anything in a while, mainly because I was tired of extract. but I’m going to eventually have a electric brewery in my basement ran off of 220v. Money and time…

We brew almost every weekend. Hit me up if you need any help. This weekend we are doing an all grain Super Hopped Belgian. Plus we just picked up a grist mill!!