Home Brewing

So who brews their own beer? I’ve been considering getting a kit for some time and think I’m about to make a purchase, being as I dont feel that I would enjoy cleaning 50 bottles every time i was looking at kits that include kegs, but I cant seem to find one that includes the kettle and the wort chiller. This kit http://www.williamsbrewing.com/COMPLETE_BREWERY_WITHOUT_A_KIT_P2355C257.cfm seems to have everything except the kegging equipmet which i have found here for relatively cheap. http://www.midwestsupplies.com/products/ProdByID.aspx?ProdID=7738 Any ideas or input would be appreciated.

my batch was awesome.

that kit doesnt include the carboy for storing the beer for the time before you bottle it, nor bottles, or a brewing kit.

this is the one i got.


It uses the second plastic bucket as the secondary fermenter, and it has a valve built in so you dont have to siphon the beer out.

how air tight is that though?? stop over tomorrow and you can take a look at my setup

I use the same plastic barrel setup Brian, still making righteous brew four years later. They key is keeping everything sterile. Cleanliness is next to drunkeness

how bout going to the pkg store and buying a 12 pak insted?

wut iz yah, sst sst sttoopit or sumthing?!

please. please, please, please, come to pittsburgh so i can knock you out.

nah, i’m good. and sad to say you would get fukked up little boy.
i’ll make you wash my back jail style son. now zip it.

ok, i would get f’ed up huh… hahaha now i know your old, your mind is slipping pops. i will put the title to my house on a dotted line that i will knock you out. im 100% serious. time, place, date,. im there. im not kidding, i will beat your ass. go ahead an f-with everyone else pops…and little boy? i think im a lot bigger then you…and not much younger, so umm, try again.

your e-thug needs some polishing you skinny minnow.
maybe you should smell my finger, as thats as close to pussy as you’re
ever gonna get. you big dumb swamp ape.
when i stick 9 inches of metal in between your 5th and 6th rib
on the left side, you’ll wish you kept your filthy cakehole closed.

i’m not your guy, go toe up to the guys who take your
silly threats as legit…as i just think your a jealous goofball
that wants to be me, but can’t fit in my shoes.
jail is full of guys just like you. and yes, they ended up washing my
back, same as you.

a guy i work with is a home brew nut. he noe grows his own hops and stuff. some of his stuff is real good though

Steve, do you keg it or bottle it? I’ve done some more research and im pretty sure that is the kit I am going to get, but I’m not positive on the keg setup yet. but i guess i wont need that immediately anyway.

It was indeed pretty good :beer:

I have never kegged it, just bottles. I looked into it, and it seems tougher than bottling, plus the equipment is pricier. No prblems as of yet. There is a place in Greentree called South Hills Brewing Supply that I get all my supplies from. Very helpful staff, and killer recipies as well.

South Hills Brewing has everything you could ever need and they are very helpful.

I got a Brewer’s Best kit there (8 years ago) and brewed for 2 years. Everything is sitting on the shelf in the basement.

Want to sell the equipment hero ?

I probably should sell the stuff. After work today, I will pull it off the shelf and snap a few pics of everything I have.

IIRC, this is what it looks like:


It was a pretty basic kit but I brewed for 2 years, 4 or 5 batches a year then just got too damned busy to brew anymore. I was trying to perfect the IPA, my absolute favorite.