home from henrietta need a tranny/5th gear set(pics)


at least it’s fifth, and not 1st-4th. It sucks, but could have been a lot worse…

Fifth is simple to swap out, flush the tranny and call it a day :tup:

ya im ordering the .681 or .658 (stock is .756) kit tomarrow… throw that in when it gets here for now I cleaned it out and filled it… and I’m driving it as a 4 speed…

Are you kidding me? I owned a DSM for 5 years. Speak for yourself noob.

and i have an 05 with a stock clutch (for now) they dont have tranny problems… just clutch/electrical issues

They make TDI Evo’s now?


Ahh, so they went back to their 1st gen issues.



sorry I jumped around, yes this THREAD is about my 01 Jetta TDI that is on the road right now…

altho off topic, my last post was to cavi mike… as my EVO is off the road but ive NEVER heard of the 05 EVO’s having gear issues just malfunctioning ACD (which is electrical) in referance to his DSM commit

Where did it say this is about a VW?(or any car for that matter)

Then read his sig…

my first post said TDIclub.com (tdi’s are Turbo Diesel VW’s) most on this board know my Evo is off the road waiting for the new clutch to be installed

I didn’t catch that. I never thought there would actually be a forum for diesel VW’s. Guess there really is a place for everyone on the internet.

nice :tup:

how many miles are on the knocker now?

its at 260k and I love it… tossing around selling the evo to get a new one when they hit NY

well ordered the .658 gear set from worldimpex.com had to call as they weren’t listed on there web page… next day air I’m off tomorrow so hopefully I can get it done before I need the car for work wed night.

At first I thought you were joking.
Now I know you are just stupid.