Homos talking about keeping tops ON.

You got a flat tire.


if i have a flat tire, then u wont have a jaw


Im surprised you have that much of an issue with it Ryan. Me and Sully were out in the C6 yesterday and hit it a few times with the targa off and it seemed alright. Granted it doesnt make the power your car does…

Oh Wayne, in the event you ever want to do over 150 mph, Id suggest having the top down!!

Fwiw, Id always have the top off/down if I owned a car like that!!


drove around windows down/ttops off today in the drizzling rain, was refreshing as hell :excited

convertibles are ghey and so are people who like um.

:gay Wanna go for a ride??


is that a command?



i dont have a dick, you prick

only if i can ride bitch wink wink


my gadar is going off the charts in this thread

and i kinda like it :gay

yeaaa pop ur top!

wheres Cryan when u need um? :tongue

So, now that I know I’m safe and you’re gay… when do I get my ride in the 'vette? :lol

DJ speaks the truth.

BAck off you torque wielding barbarian.

yar fiddle deeDEE!