Honda Accord Dashboard Lights flashing

when i turn the lights on the dashboard and climate control lights start to flash or flicker. they do it for a good bit of time and then finally stop. i checked the fuses but they all seemed fine. i replaced 2 of them just to be sure but it is still happening.
it is a 2000 Accord EX V6 sedan.
i am looking for some advice or what else to look at.

check the headlight switch. dash gets power to turn on when the headlights are turned to accesory/parkinglight then actual headlights on. mayeb a wire is loose or connection is bad and it is letting the dash/backlights come one when it shouldn’t.

this will require you to pull the steering wheel to take the combination switch off. so disconect battery, and you will need a 30 torx bit to remove the air bag out of the steering wheel. dont mess up the clock spring that sits behind the wheel.

and also check your grounds

Its possibly the Int Dimmer control…

mess around with that thing see if that helps

that what I was thinking, well that and a certain meatloaf song.

Just to be sure, check fuse and fuse box connections, as this may be a sign of deeper electrical problems

is there an aftermarket alarm in this car? If so see where they got power from alot of time they put a spade on the end and jam it into the fuse socket this will cause similar issues I have first hand experience with that.