Does anyone know of a shop in the buffalo area that works with honda engines. I have a 2000 SI thats burning oil and won’t pass inspection cuz of a check engine light. I need some help with this. The guy at the place I usually go to suggest a new motor, wich is not happening. This engine can be rebuilt for sure. So my question again is where do i take this thing? I need someone who knows hondas!!!
We are open from 11:00AM-6:00 PM EST Monday-Friday and from 12:00-4:00 PM on Saturdays.
We can be contacted 24/7 via email at and we usually respond very quickly unless you are emailing us on Sunday, in which case your email will be answered on Monday. If you want to call us directly, we can be reached at 716-685-8600 (local) or 1-866-793-7831 which is our toll free line.
Our address is as follows:
Swerve Motorsports
3149 Walden Avenue
Depew, NY 14043
what is it throwing?? just b/c its burning oil wont make the light come one unless its that bad and pissing off the o2??..there needs to be a lil more info
I had a new o2 and converter put on. Guy said the light would go back on due to a idle valve. I drove it for a little and it came back on. Then I went back to get the valve put in and sure enough the light came right back on. It has low compresion rates also. I need this thing fixed asap!!!