Honda CRX Clutch Explosion

This is a perfect example of exactly why transmission shields are a good idea. The clutch exploded and obliterated the transmission, took out the radiator and intercooler, then flew out the front of the car. Imagine what might have happened had the clutch gone the other direction. Not a bad day’s work for a little round disc.



thats what happens when VTEC KICKS IN YO!

You sir are retarded. That motor was non-vtec.

This is EXACTLY what happens to people who try to lighten a stock flywheel too much and/or fail to balance properly. This guy was SUPER lucky older Honda motors spin counter-clockwise…or it would have shot the flywheel pieces toward the driver, not out through the rad support. Frankly, not suprised not a single comment about how these things happen… Tech on pittspeed is the equivalent of dividing by zero.

RRE cut flywheels for DSM’s as an alternative to buying a lightweight flywheel. Even before I knew why, that seemed like a bad idea. Taking material away from something designed with X mass in mind is bad news IMO.

Now, back to VTEC, yo!