car is an em1. b18c jdm gsr engine with an obd2b engine harness and a conversion harness for p75 ecu tuned on chrome
so the ecu conversion harness is crappy ebay quality. for a few months now the fuel pump will randomly cut out. has happened about 5 times total. I learned to wiggle the wires and that would fix the problem immediately. then it would be fine for weeks and I would forget about it till it happened again, then wiggle, forget about it, ect…
so today I go to start it and the pump doesn’t turn on. wiggle some wires, pump primes, and I pull down my driveway. get about halfway down my street and the car cuts out. coast to a parking spot, turn the key and listen for the pump. nothing. wiggle some wires, nothing. tried a bunch of times. fuel pump is not turning on.
so I call deni at alln1 and he happens to have the conversion harness I need in stock. drive down there in my other car, buy it, drive back, plug it all in, turn the key and the pump primes. sweet, I think. all better.
this is where I did something dumb.
with the key still in the on position, I then unplugged the ecu and tried to run the wiring a different way. then I plugged it back in, and immediately heard the relay click and the pump turn on. oh that was stupid I thought, I probably shouldn’t have done that.
go to start the car, and it wont start. pump primes, and it cranks just like it always has, no glug, not even a hint of wanting to start.
I think maybe the conversion harness isn’t the right one? so I plug in the old one and try it. same exact thing, minus the fuel pump turning on (this was the original issue) at least with the old harness before, the car would try to catch and start (with very little to no fuel) but now it just cranks and cranks just like the new conversion harness.
the only thing I can think of is when I plugged in the ecu while the key was in the on position I erased the tune, or blew a fuse for the distributor or something? its so weird. not ever a tiny glug or anything.
I checked the 15a under hood fuse for the ecu and its fine. any other suggestions?
and before anyone asks, I did not check for spark. I just assumed it did- the distributor and ignition system has never given me trouble is the past. and I had to go to work.
- Updated - - -
also. no check engine light (it actually works, but its obd1 so it throws very little codes) and my fuel pressure is spot on (47 psi)