Honda Ruckus

I’m with you hoss, the whole thing is overplayed.

When I had a CJ7 I got sick of the Jeep wave thing. Every yuppie douche-bag driving anything with Jeep logo on it wanted to have a little gay wave fest.

I don’t think there’s any reason to take it personally if someone fails to return a wave.

:sadwavey: maybe you guys just need a hug

I had one, purchased it b/c they look cool. Ran great like all hondas. Sold it because it could only go 38mph straight and 10mph up hills. Don’t buy one. If you defiantly want a scooter, go for the s-stroke Yamaha…

im daytona beach right now no hills whatsoever still think so?

The Ruckus is a blast, my roommate had one and I rode that thing all the damn time. It would be perfect for a beach area. I never had a problem with it moving my 185lbs around the Pitt/CMU area, but if you’re itching for it, Battlescooter is a decent resource (though out of stock of the cooler parts lately) and a handful of other companies make some performance parts - it’s supposedly not hard to extract a fair bit of additional performance without a whole lot of work/$$$.

That’s interesting considering that they started as a club riding nothing but triumphs.

this is like the 6th time he mentioned that his dad is a pagen… let him have his fun. yay pagen yay… a buddy of my dads is not a pagen but assoc. with them. nicest group of people that i have ever met. :bigthumb:

you shouldn’t be on the road in a shopping cart, let alone anything with a motor.

for a beach area it would be perfect, i still ride mine any chance i get even though i live in pittsburgh. I say get it and try it out, i filled mine up every less than every 2 weeks when i was riding it everyday, i prob havent filled it up yet this spring. If you dont like it i highly doubt you would loose much if you decided to sell it with gas prices still on the rise.