honda4life's 1999 Honda Civic Coupe Build

I was betting on it being “irrelevant”, either way, toe-may-toe, toe-mah-toe.

Why is everyone so disrespectful? Is this a laughing joke?

Go back and search all your posts…

You will quickly understand.


Hey pull your victim card away. Do you not realize all the shit you talk?


You seem well prepared to be a father carry on :tup:

When I found out my girlfriend was pregnant, I sold my STI and bought a house.

15 months later, no STI, no baby, no girlfriend, but I still have the house.

I’m the farthest thing from ignorant or arrogant. It’s kind of like when you tell your parents “you don’t know what you’re talking about”. Yes, yes I do.

Errmergerd. YOU ARE HAVING A KID?!?! Fuck.


Adam (Beck), is that all true?

Yea Becks story is legit

Beck’s story was aired out on here to some extent…

Although, subtlties and reading between the lines isn’t exactly the average nyspeeder’s strong suit.

Damn beck that’s crazy!

Evan, you should be a sitcom.

Jim, only if you create and film it.

What happened to the baby? Abort? Miscarr.? Is this for really for real?

I’m assuming Loose Slut Syndrome.

Wow, shitty. Not to jump to conclusions but if this is the “typical” scenario I’m thinking of that really sucks. I never understand what drives people to create chaos by their own doing.

EDIT: Posted while Joe asked. See answer above.

Beck wasn’t really in a bad situation :lol:

He makes good money and got a nice house.

^Good. That’s the way it should be.


I’m one to talk…I was in a relationship that turned down right ugly. I picked myself up and got out of that situation and today I am not only a better man/person because I did that but my life is the best it has ever been and I haven’t looked back.

This is completely ON TOPIC, right? I don’t think this is still a build thread.