honda4life's 1999 Honda Civic Coupe Build

The issues that is bothering me the most is the wiring harness, it’s set up for a 3 pin CDM alternator and the old one is set up for the 4 pin usdm alternator, I have a 4 pin usdm alternator. I’m currently looking into buying a 3pin CDM alternator.

I think 96-98 USDM alt is the 3 wire

Thanks deni for telling nick about the alt I’m going to check into that!

So I’m on the look out for a obd2 alternator with the 3 wire oval plug!

Found a solution to my issue with the alt, cwooek suggested that I depin the 3 pin and wire the 4 pin connector and run the 4 wire sounds like a good solution to me, going to dig into the car tomorrow after work. I still have to make a trip to the yard for a few extra things.

If you’re going to go to the junkyard for parts go to millers auto recycling just over the border in Canada. It’s not very far away and its so much better than m & m. Trust me on this one. Last time I was there there must have been at least 10-15 EK’s there. The cars aren’t picked through either almost all the parts are still there.

I’m looking for basic stuff… Overflow jug, few brackets etc lol. Probably a clutch line if it’s decent. Also a few interior parts lol

Change your Sig it’s a EJ8 haha.

I bet you’re happy electrical on this is much easier then a DSM

What kind of HP is this going to put down?

lol so what about your gf needing a car?
I hope this is for you and not her

BTW, congrats to jumping into a honda. you wont regret it

Yea haha. Ej8 is the EX chassis code. Ej6 is the DX

I have two pickles, I have two pickles, I have two pickles today, hey hey!

Ill trade you my pickle for your nickel?

Fuck I’m super happy, so much easier, and it’s not that fast at all it’s just a basic greddy turbo kit, I think the turbo is smaller then the 14b on my old dsm.

Future plans are to gsr swap it and make it na. I got other plans for the d16y7 with the turbo kit :snky: lol not really


We’re looking into leasing a 2012 Mazda 3 touring, I use to have a Honda, I love them so much more.

Huge update… Without pics tho. Dylan (nospooldc2) came over and lit a fire under my ass. I had purchased a battery today and wanted to get the car to at least turn over. Got the bolts for the battery tray and starter but and all the bolts I really needed. Put everything in got the battery situated. Jake (06specv), Aaron (slaw), nick (Checko) Seth ( forgot his username on here), and Ryan (93probegt) (barely posts on here lol) came over to talk chill and crack a few wrenches. Joey (not on the boards) stoped over and sold me his Mishimoto intercooler. So long story short we went to turn the key and the car cranks but no fire it’s not getting fuel. When you turn the main relay clicks so it’s not that, fuse for fuel pump is fine. The fuel pump doesn’t prime or you can’t hear it come on I think it’s bad. Called it quits for the night and going to order a pump, maybe a walbro 255. I would like to hit the junkyard and get misc stuff I need.

keep up the god works guys really wishing i could be there but making money is on the top of my list right now

Scored a Bosch fuel pump brand new for $45 shipped it’s a 190lph as soon as it comes in go time. I plan on getting the intercooler installed tomorrow along with putting a few bolts in misc stuff.

Bosch? gaaaarrrrbage!

might as well have spent an extra $35 and got a walbro…

Eh, has a warranty so I don’t care. And Bosch isn’t bad I’ve had great luck with them in the past the walbro on the talon was loud as shit and annoyed me.