Honduh! Wrong Digital Odometer

Honda paying out $6 million for ‘overclocked’ odometers…

USA Story: If you’ve been wondering how your Honda or Acura just seems to cover ground an awful lot quicker than your previous ride without even getting you a speeding ticket, listen up. Apparently, around six million Honda / Acura owners have been wheeling around in vehicles that are clicking off miles quite a bit faster than they’re actually being driven. The Society of Automotive Engineers’ voluntary standard for fluctuation in an odometer “is plus or minus 4-percent,” and strangely enough, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration doesn’t even regulate it. Honda claims that its units were “accurate to within 3.75-percent” on the high side, but a lawsuit against them claims that’s just a bit too close for the average consumer’s well-being. The automaker will be shelling out over $6 million in overcharges for leasers who were unfairly penalized for exceeding the agreed upon mileage, and will also extend the warranty mileage five-percent. Of course, Honda has since tightened up its standards (read: fixed the programming bug), purportedly “aiming for zero” in regard to future error, but if you happen to own a Honda / Acura purchased between April of 2002 and November of last year (or a select '07 Honda Fit), these benefits should be coming your way pending a district court judgment on the settlement.

Well, I got 2 Hondas, both within those years.

What do I win? :stuck_out_tongue:

i was hoping you were going to say 1996, as the 196k on my car would be justified…

The class action lawsuit was filed in the US… so you would not benefit from that one… HOWEVER, considering that we have the same exact vehicles and the problem has been acknowledged in the US by Honda, you would have ground s to file a grievance and potentially recoup money; especially if you paid kilometer surcharges on your lease or lost money on resale.

I have an 06’ Accrod EX-V6, got it last year and it already has 82,xxx Km’s on it… Now that this is in effect, Im wondering how the @#$%^ I put so many Km’s on it…

Thanks Mitch, never knew anything about this.!!!