honestly...wtf? v. Bird will not stop flying into window »» PROBLEM SOLVED!

you can’t fashion a trap?

Hang up some glad wrap with 3M adhesive all over it. win win then cook the birds.

so after 5 days of the same thing… 6am- 1pm flying into the window. I printed this and taped it to the window… IT WORKED. No more bird thumping.


LOL well done

The robin is going to be looking in your house all pissed- YA RLY

Someone should tape this to his window facing in when he’s not looking just to fuck with him.



http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phalanx_CIWS would have worked nicely too… not as neighbor friendly tho

lol orly the owl


Those are awesome, I’ve been at sea for live fire demos, they are amazing.


We use them on land now too!