Hospital hallppp?

How much is an ER visit generally?
Like, base visit before the addition of all the drugs and shit they add?
Without insurance (girlfriendy has none)

Long story short, Dr. told her she may have a Staph infection but won’t know until the culture results.
Her face is fucking swelling up like a mother fucker from about the hairline below her left temple to the start of her jawline (it’s still growing), and her eye is swollen shut.
Her Dr. Does not have a 24 hour helpline/Emergency line… So I’m at a loss here.
I can call my insurance company and ask what to do, but… I don’t know if they’d help since she’s not insured by them (or anyone).

Do we wait until morning to see if it stops swelling more?
Or go now before it possibly gets worse?

Honestly, I would drag her ass to the ER right now if she had insurance… But I don’t want a 1k+ Bill for something that may go away in a few hours.
But then I’ll regret it if something awful happens.

I would post a picture to show you guys…
but if I did that, I think the end result may be worse than I could possibly imagine for my own well being -.-

doesnt matter. she needs to go. worry about the cost after. a hospital will bend over backward to make the pay structure work with your finances

that’s what i wanted to hear.

Is her life worth more than $1000? Go get her checked out!

So, next question.

What is a good way to make someone unconscious for say, a half an hour or so while you transport them to the hospital because they refuse to?
Theoretically speaking of course.

Baseball bat.

^lol, if her face is swolen already, nobody would suspect a thing.


immediate care… they only have 3 charge tiers, the most they will ever charge is 330…

I went 1 month without health insurance, sure enough, i managed to mess up my ankle.

I received 4 bills from the hospital

1 bill from the DR
1 bill for the cast they gave me
1 bill for the xray
1 bill for the ER visit.

I think it’s around $700 i have to come up with. yayyy.
goodluck! and tell her ass to get Health insurance. it may be expensive, but it’s much cheaper in the long run.

propofol to get her there… careful though… that shit is legit truth serum. I cant tell you the shit I hear people say when we put them under with it. :slight_smile:

good luck. they’ll take good care of her

^and 700 for that list of services is a bargan relative to what they cost individually with full coverage (ie what the insurence company pays)

Take her, now. Hospitals are usually very willing to work out a payment plan with you if you can’t pay it all right away in one big chunk.

ya dude, dont fuck around, If it was my girl her shit wouldnt have gotten as bad as your describing it to be!! I’d help flip the bill if shit was that rough on the finances.

Just take her.

She will get a large bill but she will be alive… lol

Also, even if she cant pay it, as long as she proactively pays on it (like $5/mo) the hospital can’t take her to collections and most the time they are willing to drop prices, etc. to help you out after the fact.

yeah I have no health insurance right now. :(. I’m tryin to be uber careful cuz…well…cmon…its me lol.

I could give you a pretty close amt… I need to know the hospital and what things they will be doing to her… but …The thing is with you not having the health insurance THEY CAN CHAGE YOU WHAT EVER THEY WANT… the do not have to bill you “at fee” i can get you the “fee” price

take her, get her taken care of, when she is done go dirrectly to the medicade office and get her singed up for emergency medicade they will back date it … if she makes to much $$ for that have her look in to something … I hate the fucking people that say they cant get anything … it means they have not looked or even tried… there is so many diff levels of GOVT. insurance that you can get in this fucking state …there should be no one with out insurance … there is medicade for the poor … there is family health plus for the poor with some money(almost anyone can get this) … there is healthNY for people with a job(400 month)… then there is insurance that your employer gives you … fucking go to a dead end job and get insurace

they will work with you to pay the bills off … they may even lower the amt to a “fee” price

Life > $$$. If you only knew the amount of people that died over stupid shit b/c they didn’t wanna pay.

a hospital bill can NOT be listed on your credit report. They may say that it will, but it doesn’t. so, you can make payments or work something out with the hospital.

^and theres no interest, so make little payments

my friend has no health insurance so he attends a class at UB, the minimum, and gets insurance that way since he is a student.
Sounds like a plan to me!
Forreal though, get her over there

really?? what if it goes to collections??? then its free game. I hate to say that I dont have health ins. I have to wait for the enrollment period and I will sign up. I just couldnt swing the 30 a week for it.

Take her man, worry about the bill later. I am paying for my wifes ER visits as we speak.