cool idea glad it all went well for yas!
Where are the pics?
im still waiting on my cd full of pics. soon. there was a ton of shots
This is the 8th time ive seen this picture of your FUPA.
Its kinda sexy hahahaha
u like ltwon,s - i like ltwon,s . we should get to know each other lol
john, will u put that gut on my car? better yet, my face! :rofl
ya know it big daddy meathead
For all who are wondering whats taking so long.
Good question, but we are sorting through 1074 pics…that takes a while because we ahve other things to attend to as well. However, once we sort through the pics we will then choose which ones are best and clean them up a bit. Then, we will send them to the printer and get hard copies for those waiting for them…
Then we package everything up along with the dyno time coupons for those who doubled down and send them off to you.
Sorry it takes so long, Vic asked me to stop posting some of them until he finished up on his end.
And @John…To much to late!!:banghead
Due to the huge amount of pics we have decided to give each of you a thumb drive with all the ppics of you girl or your car…
They will included “fixed up pics” and the originals…
this way you can do what you need to with them.
I hope Vic has them done soon…
If you’re curious please send him and email!!
But i have seen most of them…and they are all YUMMY!!
Ohh i like this idea. Lets me do some creative editting of my own
So I peeked at EJ’s pics, whos Shelby is that? Im assuming its a kit, still looks purty.
That is Craig Shufelts AC Cobra…
Its a real one!!
i cant wait to see the pics.
and that cobra is real? as in all matching numbers??? GTFO!!! i might hve to see proof :thumbup
I should have all the picts done this weekend. Thank you for your patience. I will get them to DC so you can pick them up at Albany Speed Shop.
Hello everyone,
I am glad to finally be able to tell you Vic has completed the storage devise with all of the pics for you, your girls and your cars.
I’m sorry it took so long! Vic is a busy guy, not that that’s a excuse, but we had 1074 pics to sort through. Yes he was slow…But he is GOOD.
The plan is for him to drop them off here today for everyone to pick up tomorrow!!
Now if you brought you girl and your car I promise a certificate for a free dyno pull to you. I am good for that and will give them to you when you arrive.
I appreciate your patience and cooperation. This was a really cool thing and many people loved what we did! We are planning a new photo shoot. This one even better yet. Details to come, but start thinking about it! We’ll need some new cars and girls to take pics of, so if you know someone…start the conversation now. Once you have your pics you’ll see that these pics are FAR from the kodack throw away camera.
DC from Images by DC did a awesome job and he’s our man!
Hooray! We can bring this to a close!
Thanks again everyone!
ill be there this weekend to pick them up buddy.
I now have the disks for Lauren, Sammy R, Jay, Eric’s EVO and the Shufelt Shelby.
Please stop in and pick them up when you can!