"Hot Coffee" documentary (slwthnu content)

Just watched this on Netflix last night. It’s about the “abuse” of the judicial system in the US. It talks about tort reform, mandatory arbitration clauses on contracts that we all pretty much sign for everything we purchase.

It’s left leaning / pro-consumer and it fits my belief system. One thing I didn’t like about it was the lack of opposing viewpoints and the lack of real statistics.

the opposing view point in the cases in the movies is what the media reported.

the biggest take away from the movie, and the reason why i think people should see it is that people have to sign non-disclosure agreements so they are never allowed to talk about the situation yet the corporations are allowed to and make the people who are victims look like idiots to the general public. it just came up again with fracking because the kids can’t even talk about it from the statement their parents signed.

corporations can commit crimes with no punishment.

people steal gum and get the entire book thrown at them.

That’s my biggest beef how corporations aren’t considered people unless it comes to campaign financing.

I feel that laws should be passed that bring up criminal charges and civil responsibility for the people who are in charge and make decisions that harm the planet/mankind but, hide under the guise of “it was the company’s decision.”

good luck in life.

we share similar views.

These people would have to kill me to make me keep my mouth shut. I hope they never bring fracking up here. I hope I’m never in a situation where a corporation was at fault for one of my ills or problems because it will not be pretty.

Huge Corporations are a large contributor, if not the whole, to the problems we are facing now. Low moral character and high profit margins are at fault. Make a buck at any cost.

military is a business…

check this out

people in past did it… nureberg trails FTW