House chairman calls for mileage-based tax to replace gas tax

By Drew Johnson

							 								 								 								 									Mileage-based taxes have been a touchy subject over the past few years, but one House committee chairman says such a system should be enacted in the United States as soon as possible. House Representative James Oberstar of Minnesota says the U.S. should forgo pilot programs and move forward with a mileage-based tax system.

Oberstar, the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee chairman, says that such a tax system is not only needed but is ready to be put into place. “Why do we need a pilot program? Why don’t we just phase it in?” Oberstar told The Detroit News.
Under Oberstar’s plan – which is currently being drafted – every car in America would be fitted with a GPS device. The GPS unit would keep track of vehicle mileage, what types of roads were being used (secondary or highway) and would calculate taxes owed.
Although many lawmakers say such a system is at least 10-years away from viability, Oberstar says it could be enacted in as little as two years. “I think it can be done in far less than that, maybe two years,” he said.
Although controversial, a mileage-based tax system would be beneficial for the funding of federal highway systems. Highway projects are currently funded through gas tax revenues, but those dollars are quickly drying up. Thanks to a slumping economy and more fuel efficient vehicles, Americans are buying less gas, resulting in a dramatic drop-off in federal funds. As such, a mileage-based system is probably the tax of the future, with only the questions of how and when standing in the way.

I have only this to say: I’ve got BOTH my soldering irons ready and hot

No, no, no. Absolutely not. GTFO with that shit.

I hate to sound like one of those loopy conspiracy theory people, but I don’t want the damn gov’t tracking where I go or what roads I use. That’s just too creepy for me.

how stupid are these congressmen? Its not just a GPS it would have to be a satellite reporting system with a huge database, and thats just for the brand new cars that would run off the line with it installed. older cars… I don’t even know how they would attempt that.

Yeah, that will never happen.

this has been proposed in many states, and is always voted against. no big deal, dont get worried.

x 2

lol. This will never happen.

No one will EVER agree to have their cars GPS tracked for something like this.

Speeding? No cop required.

No voter will ever pass this except for a few idiots who don’t realize the privacy it is violating

So if I drive 15000 Miles in my fit getting 34 MPG I have to pay the same tax as someone getting 17MPG In a big truck who drives 15000 miles and burns twice the gas I do? Makes total sense to me.

they can take that big brother bullshit and stick it right up their asses. fuck hats.