House passes bill that lets the RIAA take away your home for downloading music

HOLY CHIT! :wow :wow :wow :wow :runaway

im gettin the hell outta this country! Japan, here I come. Im buyin a freight container and putting all my shit and my car in there and shipping myself

me and you both. i’d love to drift where ever, and no one cares (exangerated (sp?))

but some laws are just too gay over there for me.

thast going overboard for downloading music. i understand fining you a few grand, but farken taking away all ur shit? nuh-uh! tahts too much, sir. stick that right back up your pooper uncle sam. punishment has to fit the crime. i mean u dont cut off a kid’s hand for stealing gum, do ya? shit, at least not in the US they dont

so when i got my new laptop for christmas, for two weeks i downloaded everything i know and like.

5839 songs as of january 19th. now its 12820.

you would think with people shooting people/drug dealing/whatever that this and speeding would be the States last concern

having so many people with no health insurance, guys comin back from iraq(the first wave) and dying at home at the age of 30 or under because they got exposed to harmfull chemicals and the VA docs ignoring that isnt a problem apparently. kids walkin out dumbasses from schools, underpaid teachers and cops, throwing away thousands of lives and billions of dollars on a dumbass war is kool tho, THAT we can do.

Maybe I’m just reading fast, but I’m not seeing where it says anywhere that they can take your home?

Equipment used for pirating, yes, but not your house?

If you take all the songs you’ve downloaded, divide it by the avg. # of tracks on a cd, how much $ do you think you’ve “stolen”? I bet it far exceeds pety theft and at best is a misdemeanor. A lot of people are probably guilty of larceny at this point with all the pirated stuff they’ve downloaded. Breaking the law is breaking the law and I don’t blame the gov’t for cracking down. Everyone is just too cheap to support the industry now. Soon, all the internet stuff will go down and hard copy prices or itune prices or whatever will skyrocket to make up for all the dishonesty that’s been going on. Of course I’ve downloaded stuff myself, but generally speaking it’s not right to do. Stealing is stealing is stealing. If someone was directly taking money away from you (you’re doing this to the artist and production company) you’d be pissed too.

they can eat shit… every song i ever downloaded i own via the actual fucking cd. and even if i didnt prove that i didnt get it off of the first version of apple itunes… version1 had no way to tell the mp3 came from them… so if you have an apple itunes account your fine. :ninja

Brittany and LARS need more $$$$

lol, but seriously speaking, I have bought nearly everything I have downloaded. Either I downloaded it because my CD is scratched or I downloaded it because I thought I might like it…DID and bought the CD. For those I downloaded and didn’t like… they don’t deserve the money.

most of the stuff i downloaded is from old Cd’s that i dont have anymore or that are scratched. i dont just click anything for the hell of it. but all my music is in i tunes version 1, soooo they have nothing to bitch about

so um…who here realizes that you can’t have your house taken away? and the fact that it passed the house doesn’t mean it will become a law, and is not even close to that stage yet?