House time...

PS- I embrace Walter’s advice. However, he’s always giving his two cents and never asking for any. For all we know he makes $35k/year and drives his $35k car that he financed @ 7.5% for 84 months. :uhh:

I Live in cheektowaga Bruh

And i’ve worked in about 40 houses in amherst
All of them were over 300k, unless you are looking at houses around the N. Forest/sheridan region. Most of the houses off sheridan are terribly small until you get into the williamsville area

Unless you’re scoping out cougars, i wouldn’t want to give up house size/taxes to live in amherst

Even worse. Shit, I was born in Cheektowaga but you won’t hear me admitting it to anyone.

I aware of where the nice areas in Williamsville are. I live there currently.

Go buy another $1,600 car.

Yeah, I’d rather send my kids to Maryvale or Cheektowaga Central and have a 400 sq ft bigger house.

OOH! Property values, forget about them.

My father worked his entire life to get me out of Cheektowaga, I’m not going to un-fuck it all and move back.

Sorry i’m going to college and you dropped out to be a car salesman with 5% job security.

I Live in cheektowaga and went to West Seneca Schools :gotme:

They also have private schools… you know… since you’re so baller and everything

:uhh: :lol:

Dude, I wish I was a car salesman. .5% job security is more like it, amirite?

Stay in school, get a real job and make $40,000 a year after being somewhere for 20+ years. :tup:

Amherst taxes/Williamsville Schools > Private Schools and living in Cheektowaga.

Anyone is qualified to do your job :tup:
You will get replaced sooner or later
Considering you were hired for it…
Fuck, if speedped was actually literate he could take your job


Southtowns blow. In fact Lebrun is as far south/west as I would live. I <3 Snyder since it’s close to everything. Williamsville is nice too. West Seneca :io:

Can we have a post pics of your house thread please?

You dropped out of college

Can we have a post pics of your neighbors thread?
West Seneca and Cheektowaga except for the part that borders Amherst is like NT except less NASCAR influenced and a few more teeth.

:lol: That would also be a high quality thread also
Atleast it’s not as bad as niagara county


deebo whats wrong with dropping out of college?

Nothing if you drop out of college to form microsoft lol

Neat I dropped out and make more then you probably ever will :lol:

You can’t talk shit to people who dropped out and are actually successful stop being a hater.

I have plenty of friends who went to College and got into their “career” and don’t make shit.

Dropping out of college is fine…

pretending you make 75k a year on the internet to satisfy your insecurities is not

and i’m not a hater, the only thing i posted was that he should not narrow his search to one town, and he decided to call me poor because of it?

Some of you guys have really bad inferiority complexes. SRSLY

My dick is the biggest
I have the most money
I have the fastest car
Also have the nicest house

The rest of you should just end yourselves.

Now that we cleared all of that up lets keep this on topic of helping Beck get some free monies for a nice house.