House time...

and :wtf: @ editing posts 10minutes after i already responded to them because you thought of something clever.

First i had a 500$ car, then i had a 1200$ car, now i “swap out 3000$ cars”
:uhh: :tup: Don’t worry, after 3 edits you sound a little cooler beck

I’m just curious to as how you know how much I make, or don’t make?

$75,000 isn’t a retarded amount of money. Shit, I know car salesmen that make twice that.

PS - I have three classes left, 2 of which I’ll be completing by May. :tup:

As much as an ass as walter comes off, he is right with most fiancial advice, along with joe. For the rest of advice in this thread, boarderjnky and jack,.dont take financial advice from them

man, so much hate for the southtowns, i dont get it. driving down the blvd makes me was to go on a punching rampage

LOL ouch


Keep it civil.

Go here: and go the to first time home buyer class. Its 2 days, but on the first day, they go into all the financing programs to help first timers. They themselves have a program, you can dump like 2k in an account and they instantly add 3k.

There is so much free money out there, you can easily get 20k in free stuff if you work it right.

