How are we (Shift518) doing?

i agree with the above.

the censorship stuff is stupid.

i’d like to think that this forum is made up of mostly “adults.”

it should be common knowledge what is acceptable to say in a situation, if not, oh well LOL

When this forum was started it was supposed to be the place where everyone could say anything. Unlike the ‘other’ local forum which was heavily modded (and oft over modded in many opinions) and that’s why people came here. It seems that there has been a lot more moderation and thus there have already been a couple ‘instances’ of people boycotting for brief periods. If you started strong about control and moderation, then it’d be one thing. But in my opinion it’s very difficult to start with an open door and free speech policy only to down the road try to reel everyone in and control what is said…even in designated forums. If any individual gets ‘offended’ at anytime they can simply stop reading/posting here. Just my opinion as to what I’ve seen/observed/heard from the begining up until now.

Yea I mean how many times do people actually use racial slurs? And they are’nt intended put down that race but it is being used as a joke on some one else. Also shennanigans is blocked?

I dont say ****er much at all, if ever on the forum, but i do use:
N i g n o g
N i g z


Yea this is bull shit. It a communist forum now

My personal opinion is that if someone wants to use the n word or any variation of it it is their decision and they can face any confrontation from people who are offended by themselves. Just like it’s not illegal to write “I hate n*****” on the side of your car, but you’d have to deal with a lot of shit if you did.

I think I’ve used a variation of it once or twice as a joke, and if someone took it the wrong way, I would talk to that person myself, no moderator/admin involvement. I think it should be every man for themselves as far as language goes, especially, like Justin said (Celtic1982citleC, I think it’s Justin, right?), since this forum was started with that mentality.

Just how I feel about it, I don’t mind too much regardless since I don’t use the word/variations of it.


i agree 100% here. good post.

you know if you want to use the n-bomb so bad post an image with the word in it.

I have a really funny one

i agree 100% not that it matters:squint

Racial slurs and certain group discrimination have always a problem on the forum and the rule of no personal attacks or discrimination has been set a long while ago, it’s not a new thing, but due to the abuse I’ve had to set a filter.

How am I supposed to be for the community when I approve direct labeling of a person over something that was supposed to be over with dozens of years ago.

With that said, any comment that is directly aimed at another member with the means to hurt and not joking will result in suspension of posting privileges for 3 days.

Any comment that a certain religious group, or race may find offensive, will result in suspension of posting privileges for 3 days.

As a first offense.

Secondary offense, will make it 7 days

With that said I’m actually being lenient by not banning anybody and protecting the banning privileges for a lot of members in the instances when somebody did actually get banned.

If you really would like to use the racial slurs, there is an easy option for you to get these rights back, I’ll take you to downtown Albany on a busy Friday night to a club where I will allow you to introduce yourself to everybody in the club by the names that you prefer to call them online.

If you can’t do it in person, don’t be an Ethug and do it online. If you feel any doubts about using it in a real world situation, don’t complain.

i do it in person all the time actually…

Shennanigans should be unblocked. It’s not a joke if the other party finds it offensive instead of funny. The only reason to use a slur instead of the common words or P.C. term is to put some negative connotation behind the word.

So you’d walk down Harbor Hill just yelling it around? We both know you’re not that stupid…

Vlad, I dealt with this on AUG at one time… in the end, censorship is difficult. The reason it is difficult is for all the reasons posted in this thread.
#1. If someone is a racist, let them expose themselves, thats a good thing. Might as well wear a cloak and cap. Its good to let them expose themselves. It may make them enemies, and may make them friends.
#2 Racism and prejudice are not the same at all.
#3 95% of the time when these words are not meant in a derogetory way, thus what we are censoring is not racism.
#4 As a site owner, you may feel that not moderating makes you look like you agree with these terms, words, thoughtless and harmful content…but it’s not true. Failure to act in a “community” forum doesnt not mean you stand by all comments made (though I feel your agnst).
#5 If your going to ban a word, which is cool by me, as its totally your choice, replace it with a funny word, not the word Censored or ******. Makes reading it far more interesting.

Lastly, Obama is a stupid *****.

ummm in this context, no. i’m not a racist. joking amongst forum members, yes. i don’t think we have any street hustlers, or hard ass gee’s on shift who are gonna get tight over it, but maybe i’m mistaken.:rolleyes:

Why does a member have to be a “street hustler” or “hard ass gee” to be offended by this? There are regular people who would get uptight about the use of certain slang / jargon as it has appeared here.

You guys want article writers and more maturity but using comments like that will drive away the exact same people that provide the listed qualities.

There is no justification for those terms, the point can always be put across without them. It’s only innocent when it has nothing to do with you.

are you for real???:cry:

you are taking this TOO SRS.:rofl

its the internet.

are you offended?

if so, i’m amazed.

The TOO SRS excuse can be overplayed… If nothing is to be taken seriously, why even have mods, why have topics, and why have a board? I’m not here to bust a$$ or tell people this is how things should be, I just think somewhere- there is a line to be drawn. As I posted before, I don’t want to argue because nothing will come of it.

Anyways, I’m more disappointed as opposed to upset. The thing is, if this type of thing is tolerated on the forum, it really prevents growth and certain audiences from even wanting to be a part of the membership.

Certain jokes are fun and games yes, but there are also things that aren’t normally tolerated in what people might think is an overly “PC” society, but that’s how things are.

Whether or not Shift moves in this direction, that’s really up to the mods / owner. I’m just sharing my opinion.
