How Bout Dem Stillers!!


Steelers win, Ravens lose! Duce looked good, O line looked good, D line looked good, secondary looked like shit. WOO!

maddox had some bad tosses, but most importantly. run looked good, o line looked good. i still can’t believe they didn’t bring any fa’s for the secondary

surprisingly, i think chad scott looked pretty strong. the secondary wasn’t any worse than usual… i think if they tighten up a couple loose ends and quit giving up those long pass plays they’d be much better off.

The bar went fucking crazy when the field goal went good. 4 jagers and 6 yuenglings = happy drunken Darkstar. :bigthumb:

NFL sucks.

every time they try and play that :greddy: prevent defense they get fucking bruned.


MLB sucks too minus bosox/yankees rivalry. just cause i work here don’t mean i like it

a year ago you would have argued to the death over that point. Glad you’re coming around. :bigthumb:

i’ve come to not like sports as much. Basically i hate eveything that doesn’t come with a pussy. Cars suck too cause they always break. normal car problems X5= me

steelers played today :confused: :rofl:

yeah good win, good game. some first game mistakes but I think we will be pretty good this season

I hope

they looked decent, im hopin for a good season

what was funny is that bettis had a total of like 1 Yard rushing, but had 3 touchdowns, haha

i think bettis as the goal line running back is going to fade away as the season moves on! i think that the only reason that it is that way now is to keep him pacified!

if i was duce i wouldnt have been very happy with doing all the leg work to get down that close and not get the glory of a touchdown atleast once!

two of the things I was most worried about (O line and red zone) looked really good.


Lets hope it stays that way.

Steelers > Shaggy. True Story.

pamela anderson was there with kid rock… i saw them standing outside of the main entrance to the lux suites. that place was nuts, especially when you wear a jerry rice jersey. gannon is a choke artist or they would have beat down the steelers (im a huge steeler fan, just stating the captain)

Gannon choking? did you watch the same game as me? The steelers D line fucking dominated them. Pretty much ever pass was rushed, and the secondary had everyone covered, except for those two big plays they gave up, and that was in the stupid ass prevent defense. The steelers totally shut down the run. They were giving up a few little 10 yard passes, but other than that, the Steelers totally outplayed them.