How Bout Dem Stillers!!

They didn’t look to bad…It will be nice to have the bus heathy at the end of the year for a change :itr41:

fyi - oakland has sucked for years now and continues to follow suit.

I was trying to find out why Gannon was sidearming almost every short pass. The few times that he had time in the pocket he threw 40 and 70 yard TD passes, to wide open receivers. Steelers D looked much better than last year though, very few penalties.

I know Oakland sucks, but I have liked Jerry Rice for years.

um they were in the super bowl the year before last.

and gannon won MVP… ps. steelers secondary looked bad, but i thought it was more on teh safeties than the corners :fart:

we do have a second year player starting safety though but theres no excuse for gettin beat on a pump fake to the extent the steelers secondary did!

he got beat a couple times, by a side arm pump fake

was rod woodson wearing chad scotts jersey :dunno:

what about joey porter on defense?? he seemed to be non-existant!

casey hampton and clark haggans had awesome games on defense, the pump fake is what caused those two long touchdown passes…

larry foote played well. the D looked great, but whats teh point of a great front 7 if your dbs bite every time the qb checks off and fakes a throw? i’m not sold on this polamolu kid(speeling?) somewhere starting for the toronto argonauts or reighn fire darren perry is waiting for a phone call :x: :eek:

yeah, im not a big fan of polamolu either, he needs to cut his damn hair and start using his arms to tackle instead of just sort of diving head first.

now that you say that i did notice that during the game but i know from experience form fit tackling doesnt happen in a game EVER!

sounds like he’s outta position.

that or hes trying to put a BIG HIT on someone all the time instead of making a smart tackle!

the d completely fell apart the whole second quater. i think the offense seemed good because the raiders’ d sucked the big one too.

i think the team held up well the whole game considering it was the first game and your really dont know how people are going to respond in a “real” game situation. at half time the raiders had the chance to see what the steelers were doing then pick out the weakness which just happened to be double moves.
the steelers need the stay the fuck out of cover 2 especially if their corners dont learn to get depth after the player in flat wheels up the field! you cant expect the safety to play half the damn field!

the steelers will be an 8-8 team at best this year. once we get rid of cowher we can think about a good team, until then we are fucked.

X infinity

bill cowher = teh lose

i think we can do better than 8-8 and im not sure if its the corners fault or safety’s , on those two long touchdowns it looked like the safety was suppose to be picking up the receiver and they bit into the pump fake.