how can i block a number from calling me

It was just explained, anyway why not just ignore the calls, how often is he really bothering you ?

YOU are unbelievably wrong. If you have verizon, go to their website (, log in, click on Usage Controls, sign up for extended usage controls ( a couple bucks per month) and you can block up to 20 specific numbers. They will not be able to call, text, or picture message you… however you will not be able to call or text them either. There are quite a few other features that are included in the package as well.
You can also block all non-cell texts (such as texts from emails and instant messenger)
It works like a charm for me.

I just want to LOL again, because you after 2 years you failed to observe this feature that has been there for 3 years, and is clearly depicted on the actual website. Even the hilariously accented tech support people will refer you to this option.

well thats all fine and dandy but i have TMobile Lol

He calls me 1-2 times every other day prob

Just ignore it man, really just let it ring, people tend to get the picture after a while ya know.

its been happening for about 2months. and i dont ever pick up

and thats just an average, sometimes he calls, 4 times, sometimes 2times, then he’ll text me (thats anonymous! :fail:)

i would rather just beat the shit out of him and post it on youtube?


lol. that’s not harassment. the police wouldn’t do anything even if you did call them.
so, either check with your carrier to see if there is something similar to what verizon offers.

or, go the illegal route and make it so he can’t dial a phone.

well fuck

maybe it’s because it’s a self-service option and i didn’t get trained on that. there’s nothing in verizon’s point of sale/service systems that let store reps do it, though

Unreal, Ive found ignorance is the best option but, IDK do what you must LOL

Did you try telling him to not call you?

yeah i did

when he called me i knew it was him i said STOP FUCKIN CALLIN ME

then he called me again

Haha its a matter that you sounded so unbelievably confident and then even spoke for other carriers lol.

From your first post I recognized it as untrue and just grinned all the way down the page at your confidence lol. :spank:

lets all text bomb cky89

not really

i just texted him:
“Stop fuckin callin me you faggot”

he replies (it took him about .003403 seconds to reply)
“dude, i’ve been in bed forever”

I Feel like im in fuckin highschool :picard:

that’s fair

Kick his ass seabass.

Lucky I have a hard on for Mini’s :wink:

Yeah, it’s probably still my favorite FWD car.

it has not been available for 3 years.

her phone is jailbroken/quickpwn’ed (still At&T) its called “Blocker” works awesome…