How dark is this tint?

Soo true, so many vette guys with no front plates. If I was to pull that shit on my 335 or Evo when I had them I wouldn’t have made it a week.

On the money

I thought I was safe in my corvette with no front plate until I got a no front plate ticket on the 190 going through Buffalo.

lighting against tint from the outside makes such a big difference… If it’s cloudy that could be 35%, but on a sunny day it might appear to be 50%. I also have found that various brands tend to look different. I’d say it’s no lower than 35% as a guesstimate.

So there is no answer that anybody can really give except the owner if he knows the brand and number.

I’ve had 30 on most my cars, never got a ticket. Had limo on the 68 but drove with the windows down, looks sweet with limo.

No front plate here for 9 years, never so much a second look from APD. Perhaps the veteran plate on the back helps.

thank you for your service! :bacon:

I was surprised you didn’t suggest getting some black paint from the store and doing it myself so I could save some money :jocolor:

If said cop doesn’t care, he could use a tint meter to figure it out. lol

To me it looks like 35%

I’m in with the 35% crowd.

I’ve only been pulled over solely for tint and got a ticket once in the 10 years I’ve had it. On the other hand they have given me tint tickets instead of speeding tickets a good 5 times so I say it’s a worthwhile investment to go on the illegal side of the tint limit.

LOL plastidip the windows, just keep it thin :slight_smile: