How did you pick your career?

ideally, id like to play music professionally, however i dont see that happening.

first, i thought of going with my first true passion, which was music. then i decided that music is what de-stresses me and what i do for fun, so making that the main aspect of my life and depend on it for money prob would not be the best idea and i would eventually lose the desire to make music.

then, after 2 years of college, taking classes in everything from law to science, i still had no clue what interested me.

finally, i decided that, well, i like helping people, i like a job that involves new situations all the time, and something thats rewarding. i thought about being a cop, but i hate cops. then i realized that i find myself watching medical shows all the time on TV and have kind of had a ‘secret’ interest in that kind of stuff, so that is why in January, i will start my certification to be an EMT-B and then eventually become a certified paramedic. and i couldnt be more excited about it.