How do I get rid of sulfuric acid?

Go to a neighbors house and dump it down their sink.

They might get in trouble, you will be acid free :slight_smile:

lol @ “acid free”

there has to be some way to explode it.

i vote for exploding it.


there has to be some way to explode it.

i vote for exploding it.



Write on someones lawn with it.

[quote=“According to the internets”"]
Concentrated sulfuric acid can catch fire or explode when it comes into contact with many chemicals, including acetone, alcohols

I think the answer is clear, Darwin Award here we come!

i also choose large explosion


i cant look up any good explosive stuff…
its blocked @ work…

but, i know ammonia hydroxide is used :slight_smile:



-neutralize it…just mix it with a gallon of Drain-o


Well this certainly works if you don’t mind blowing yourself up. Sulfuric Acid and aluminum could furnish hydrogen gas. Oh, heat is a biproduct of the other reaction that occurrs (the formation of aluminum sulfate). So, no, don’t do this.

I would get “caustic soda” at a hardware store and add it until the end point is reached. It’s dilute sodium hydroxide. You could also use Baking Soda (sodium bicarbonate) but it will be slightly messy due to the formation of carbon dioxide bubbles (FOAM!).

I imagine that this stuff isn’t very concentrated anymore. In other words, the hydronium ions have likely left the solution and into the surrounding air. The benefit of using sodium bicarbonate is that even if you overcome the end point, the solution will be fairly harmless. You could pour it down your drain.

Keep searching for bomb making. Maybe you will get a visit from an FBI agent.


It’s dilute sulfuric acid. There would be no explosion. It would just be a fire. A fire which could be used to make delicious s’mores.

Pour it in your gas tank then race ricers on the thruway during rush hour!

OOOOR bottle it and sell it as SuperFast Gas at the next S&R cruise night.

Either way, lulz must be had!

Use it as the ultimate Paint prep, one someone who isnt painting there car.


Or Fight club

i wonder how it would clean a drive way

Get an eye dropper, and video tape yourself putting a drop on the back of your hand.

post it up on youtube, and be infamous :slight_smile:

Probably been done already.

[quote=“Clean Baldy,post:58,topic:29797"”]

Get an eye dropper, and video tape yourself putting a drop on the back of your hand.

post it up on youtube, and be infamous :slight_smile:


$5 and ill do it