How do I get seal coat off my car?

Because of some fucking asshole passing me with a seal coating truck and trailer last weekend Ive got seal coat all over the front of my white car. Hood, bumper, mirrors and probably the fenders too.

How do I get it off?

Bug and tar remover wont touch it. I tried a clay bar and it works but its very time consuming and it smears it all around first. Its a big pain in the ass and clay baring means waxing it again.
Somebody suggested rubbing alcohol but that doesnt seem to work either.

The seal coat is also on my headlights and windshield. How do I get it off those without damaging them.

diesel fuel or kerosene :nod

That wont fuck up the paint? I dont have either one here to try.

there ya go**http%3A//

Why would you wanna get rid of such a cute thing?

no it wont just wash it after ya do it and it will be ok :nod

Ill have to try something when I get a chance/feel like it. I dont have diesel or kerosene here and the recipe looks a little messy.

Me and that seal can go clubbin. Actually just me but whatever.