tar on my truck, any one know any tricks

i just drove across a new paved road and got tar all over the side of my truck and i cant get it off

any one know any tricks

pm me thanks

Clay bar should work. It’ll be time consuming as hell.





walmart has a kit for $14 with cleaner wax, bar, and detailer


honestly, bug and tar remover works awesome… i had some dynamatt that leaked onto my gf’s bumper on her IS, and it took it off like it was wet paint… really easy

Mineral Spirits, compound, bug/tar remover…

Bug and Tar Remover (Autozone)

Dont clay it until you get the bulk off with the tar remover


Claybar, claybar, claybar. The stuff is amazing.

At my work (napa) we sell a bug and tar remover in a black spray can that works awesome


Bug and Tar Remover (Autozone)

Dont clay it until you get the bulk off with the tar remover


+1. If you’ve got as much tar as your first post sounds like you’re going to turn that clay bar into a sanding block in no time. Get most of it off with bug and tar remover, then switch to the clay bar.


Bug and Tar Remover (Autozone)

Dont clay it until you get the bulk off with the tar remover



they have this orange smelling stuff that works great.

gas/kero will take it off as well. You just need to get it off and then clean the car off again. (and be a bit more careful along the way)