How do YOU afford this hobby?

over the summer I worked 70+ hour weeks so I could buy my old integra…but then I went to school and stopped working…andd I hadnt saved enough money so i had to sell… I learned my lesson now and am driving a hand me down thunderbird… I think im going to save up for a house with a garage that has adequate space for modding… then start up a project

I don’t buy anything on credit/IOU’s. If I want something, I wait until I have enough money to buy it and settle for nothing less than exactly what I want.

for the most part the car is payed off, I still owe a small amount. however insurance is killer between my 2 cars, seems like im always getting a bill for 600 here 400 here 300 here ext ext.

this is what i do:

own a POS! :rofl :haha_1::facepalm

I live with my parents.

I whore myself out to Jclark who pimps me out. Scratch flowing out the ass I tell ya.

Seriously, I run my own race fabrication, prototyping/CAD/CNC, and engine machining/assembly business. Stretched thin lately between everything, but it pays the bills.

+1, maturity beyond your years (and behind that afro) man.

+1 I pay for everything in cash and only buy what I really want. Good thing for me, Travis had a lot of things I wanted. :rofl

Golf Course-spring/summer/fall
Children’s summer camp-summer

Except for that $50 you owed me for like 5 years…:rolleyes: :rofl

Yeah but I didn’t have a job then :rofl

I live at home (so that saves a lot), work full-time and go to school part time. I usually try to do as much research as I can if there is something I want to do to my car, then I save up the cash and do it. Since I worked a lot of OT at my last job, I was able to save up a decent amount of money to modd my last car. Now… its a different story.

zakly. i only use cash. but i do plan on taking out a loan for a nice little toy i plan on purchasing, however, my father is going to co-sign for me.

on a side note- i just can’t understand how people don’t pay their bills, morgatge, and rent. its just so STUPID to me, its unbelievable.:squint

i work my ass off and i hustle parts where ever i can. You wouldnt believe what people give away on forums, and how much people will pay for things on ebay, makes me laugh.

True man, as they say “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure” so more power to those who can make the most of this rule… From a financial perspective.

I sell crack.

but no for real. My parents own a landscaping business…I work with/for my dad full time and we plow in the winter.

I have the house now, but I work hard, thats all I’ll say.

Livin with my rents for a few more years. Some know I work for National grid.

I divide my money to car/land payments and saving.

I try not to waste my money too much, drink and party some. When I spend money, I spend alot.

I work FT and I dont really do much, so I just spend it on my car, and every year after I get my taxes I usually do alot to my car…I usually get almost 5k for taxes, so thats what I plan on getting the s/c with this year :slight_smile:

:word!!! Well said
