How do you celebrate TGIF?

I usually start off with a big grin on my face as I leave the office and take the (long) walk to my car.

Upon arriving to my car, and getting inside, I clench my fist, and yell out “Yes!!”
while I wait for my chariot to warm up and take me home.

Unfortunately, as I do not car pool, I have no one to give high fives to.

However on occasion, I do give a passerby or two, thumbs up (which usually
results in them giving me a :ugh: look and then rolling up their windows and speeding away).


get some friends!

1/2OZ of crack and about 6 mylasian hookers…

Same here! but to mix it up sometimes I throw in a Thai tranny.

My schedule is messed up so Friday pretty much means nothing to me…

But I either want to get out and eat/cruise with some friends or just crash at home with some coffee and do nothing.

On the way home I might actually crank some music, more often than not it’s just engine ambience for me… :slight_smile:

As for the crack & hookers…well…good luck with that! :lol:

I bet you really do love the sound of 5psi!

Crank it up already!! :run:

Hahaha…ya douche! It’ll be up very soon don’t you worry!

And yes, even 5 PSI sounds nice. :slap:


upon finishing work…
a “friday” blowjob is called for,
which is different from any other weekday bj, only difference. two girls.
then i grab a couple 40oz of corona, drink them, fast, have a ceasar and go drifting in my civic with my best friends mom.

then im home by 10:00pm for curfue.
pretty rad!

where do you find these, the 710ml is 24Oz… softcore drinking a 24oz and calling it a 40oz…

I guess you live in a town known for softcores since your beerstore doesn’t sell them.

Please expand, softcore what?

and yes; your delusional;

softcore website and k-town.
jesus man i know a 710ml is almost 4 bucks
and the 40oz bottle is just over 5.
thanks for coming out, dont call us, send a fucking postcard.

I like going of for dinner with my wife, drinking beer and watching a movie…

p.s glad you know how to look up the prices online, since your so serious about this go ahead and ask them to update it so you can check next time and be right before u start yapping. plusits pretty cool how you do things like this on your friday. TGIF debating time!! ehh buddy?

I think toronto civics is calling; fuck off…

i think the crybaby association is calling; blow me.

You know what would have been appropriate, saying; “oh yeah, they now offer Coronoa in 40oz format (FYI)”. Regardless, I could just ask the beerstore employee that lives nextdoor to me.

rather than your juvenile BS. Blow you, how about a mushroom slap, or better yet;

yeah boxing? sure ive seen you in niagara. book it. get rid of that long female hair before you enter the ring to battle a man

was this thread about omg they came out with a 40oz of corona.
no, im juvenille? no, could you have PM’d me a question saying “are you mistaking it with a 26er” yes. did you. no.

plus my civic is BALLIN’.

go lite up your devil pipe.

Hair is gone buddy, donated to locks of love (charity), now I keep it short to headbutt people, like you for instance.

awww how cute.