How do you keep your car audio secure?

and no I’m not talking about keeping it safe from would be thives. how do you keep your boom boom bass from sliding around the trunk while taking hard turns?I realize some people may have a box big enough that it just doesn’t move, but I have a 10in sub in a small box in my bimmer, and while taking sharp turns I could hear it sliding around, and sometimes the ground wire would be ripped from the amp. no boom boom bass makes me, let’s hear and see how you guys do it. just looking for some ideas for next summer.

Industrial velcro on the bottom of the box?

um most people on there that go Vroom Vroom dont go Boom Boom. just use a few screwes in to the board. or velcro.

in my beater i have a piece of plywood on the floor that fits snug in the truck then the box on top of that and and i put 2 screws on each side of the box around it so if it goes to slide it gets stopped on the screws, i also have 4 screws going thru the corners of the box into the piece of plywood the amps screwed on to the box so its all one pice basically

my buddy put hooks in the box then used a small peice of cable on each side it does not move. when i have ambition i will do the same

i built my box in my SVT to just barely fit in the hatch, and it fit completely snug.

Although if it was smaller I’d bolt a piece of wood down in front and behind the box, and carpet them.

park in a secure garage.

also bolt everything to the car really well. you’ll want to do this for sound quality anyway.


Just get some small angle brackets and screw them down.

completely off-topic, i knew someone who would put razor blades all along the bottom of the box, out of sight, but if someone went to pick it up, the would have a nice big painful and bloody surprise when they tried to lift the box out.

on topic: if you have any hooks or anchor points in the trunk, you could just use a tie down or bungee cord of some wort if you didnt want to drill holes for hooks

Depends how much energy you want to put into this. Quick/Lazy way would be to grab some cheap tie down straps and wrap the box to something. The more involved way would be to either permanently mount the box in the trunk with screws or bolts or to go even further and bolt/weld an L bracket (as CKY mentioned) to the trunk and then screw the box to it. This adds security as well.

Yeah some people have done this with head units for a while. I was going to do it with mine but I didn’t have the ambition.

As far as hooks and what not are concerned, I really wouldn’t drill into the box as it will most likely cause distortion and what not, but if its sealed properly I guess it would be fine.

This will do the trick. 2 or 3 strips evenly spaced on the bottom will keep it from sliding.

the whole carpet could slide though

in the evo I have a large Mmatts box that almost fits in perfect… I just took the factory jack from under the rug… wedged it between the box and the side of the trucnk and rotate the hande till nothings moving… and put my jumpercables, and towropes around it so no one see’s it…

Velcro works, but doesn’t help thieves

Making the box fit perfect is the other option.

And/Or bolt it to the car; the most work, but the most secure, safe, and thief-difficult (nothing is thief proof)

L brackets and velcro

on my integra i use a rear strut tower brace across the back of the trunk and anchor the box right to that.

i just use L brackets and screwed them to my box and my floor. as for the razor blades trick, that just sounds crazy. lol i mean, yeah its a great idea, but i would probably be th first to get cut.

I took two eyehooks and screwed them into the rear seat frame backing thingy. Then just used a bungee cord. This was in a Buick Lesabre though. Obviously if you have a hatch, it won’t work.