How do you make a porsche hotter?

You do this to it:

ugh fucksticks that looks like fun. i lov the color/wheel combo. very nice p-car

stupid question. are all four of those exhaust pipes?

I’m lost…

looks like two of them are downpipes and two of them area wastegate dumps

That is a pretty ugly/lazy way of doing the CF around the exhaust. They really need to get on Josh’s services…


OH okay, i get it now :ham:

OH MY LORD:beer:

vids or sound clips are a must

Not a ton of room to work on, damn.

um. that looks a little loud. where the hell could they even drive such a beast.

WG dumps… man thats awesome :tup:

looks badass

Reminds me of that :tup:

I love how a lot of crazy 911’s and 914’s have turbo’s hanging off the back.

ugh, rear mount turbos are so ghey


he should hve put them in the trunk … in front

^one behind each headlight ftw :tup: :lol:

holy shits that is unreal… why do i not drive something like that?


oh yeah nm

Thats not that bad… a 951 is very tight in the engine compartment(ask how I know)

DAMN, that 993 IS SO SWEET LOOKING pure sax
any numbers on this beast???