How does this happen?

I’m not one to be able to look at something and be like, “oh, well that happened because…” but I was under the impression my heat shield was lose, so I was going to take care of it this weekend sometime, and then I get onto Millersport tonight to have my car sound like I have a 3" exhaust, fuck.

You can see a bolt missing, and after looking, apparently a bolt looks to be broken or something…none the less…fuckin’ a.

In other words, school me. :slight_smile:

Rust, and vibration

jiggle the handle baby

Shitty, didn’t think it would actually rot enough after 5 years…WNY winter, woo.

That’s a very common problem on honda/acura/subaru’s. It’s buffalo, and they use cheap steel for those heat shields. The bolts aren’t much better. A Few hose clamps will fix you right up.

  1. rip off heat shield.
  2. move on with life.

I don’t see where this missing bolt you speak of would have bolted to. As far as the heat shield falling off, no biggie, rip it off.

Where the catalytic converter connects with that extension. You can’t really see the actual bolt missing, but there is a small gap between the two. Bolt that’s missing is on the other side, my fault.

it’s a heat shield.

you don’t need it.

rip it off.

Mine was all messed up from hitting it on driveways and whatnot, so i just pulled it.

Car didnt start on fire yet, so its not a big deal, pull it off.

Yeah, it’ll be taken off.

But the fucked up part I was pointing out in the OP was how my bolts just randomly decided to break / fall out from that extension to the catalytic converter.

You can see that one bolt is in, but the top bolt is missing, bad pics but that’s the situation, just wondering how something like that could happen…I was thinking the previous owner decided to play around under there and didn’t tighten each bolt enough or what.

There may be a gap between the flanges but nothing is wrong in that picture. There’s either a cone washer or a taper fit between them.

edit After zooming in on the pic I do see there’s half of a gasket there. How long after you heard the “3inch exhaust” sound did you take this pic?

edit again I’m going to bed so this is my input for the night. If you had the cat-back replaced on your car, the bolt probably just came loose because I don’t see any lock-washers there. Tighten bolt and/or add lockwashers, rip off heatshield, done and done.

Welcome to the rust belt. Where are you from?


You know its weird that I have seen that picture over a dozen times in my life…50% of the time I am in awe of the spectacle that is man…50% of the time I just laugh and say…gotta give him credit…he knew his picture was being taken and he gave it a good smile.

Wait till you see the pic in your other tread. :hitit:

link? and :tup: to the points you are gonna get for the pic…



All taken care of, apparently the owner prior to me decided to take it apart, and put a paper gasket in there, for what reason I have no idea, and didn’t exactly tighten it up the whole way. Should have guessed when my lug nuts were quite loose when I bought the car, oh, and the spray paint on the back tail lights to give it a red look. :fail:

Thread NWS now?

Too much “pipe”.