Bolt stuck inside turbo extension

So I decide to remove my extension and install my megan racing one, and the last bolt decides to take a shit on me. It was all rusted and was seized inside the extension, while attatched to the turbo still. It snapped on me while i was removing it, and with soo much thread left inside. From the looks of it my only option is to resell my extension, brand new. Any ideas?

take a pictuer. I think your fu*ked I lost a turbine housing to a broken bolt.

use a bolt extractor…easy

yeah, i had to do it to my turbo :o , it was garbage but it worked, then i retapped all the threads and its awesome now.

Try to use better grade and ultimately better suited hardware… Also try using antiseize… to prevent this in the future…

Its not IN the turbo housing tho, it just broke when I was trying to remove it from holding the elbow to the turbo, so why would that fuck the turbo housing? If anything ill have an exhaust leak, theyre are 5 other bolts holding the elbow in place. Can I get the bolt extractor at canadian tire?

The thing is, the bol tis inside the elbow, so its not like i can grab a pair of plyers and turn, its below the outside edge of the elbow.

now that the tension is off the bolt , take at least a high temp soldering torch to the area, heat it up, then spray on ample ammounts of liquid wrench, LPS-2, locktite self penetrating oil… ect. do this a few timesyou should be able to take a pair of vice grips, hong onto @ 2 threads and spin the bolt, if you can do that then you can remove it by hand … if you can move it still then you need to step up to the blue tip wrench, ( oxy torch) first take a dremel tool with a wide cut off bit, put a slot in the screw like it was a grub screw, big enough to et a large screw driver on, next your going to heat the iron casting ( not the bolt) to red hot, spray some penetrant on the broken bolt and spin it out with a slot screw driver… FAILING that… you can get a new housing ( i have a bunch ) or you can drill and helix coil with a stainless insert.

in the future, serivce the area once a year at least, use nickle based anti sieze , 304 SS bolts/studs and lock washers…

Yep you can get them form ct for like $8 and they are life time garnteeee! hehe I have returend my 5/16 about 8 times now. Anyways you can drill it and then try extract it out.

I thought it was in the housing sorry.

Nope you were right, it is in the housing. I thought the elbow was threaded as well, it should slide off right now and then the screw should stick out of the housing.

Hmm, funny I was missing two bolts on my turbo extension, one was amazingly loose, and I pull of the elbow, and ? wow, theres no gasket! Stupid imported motors. :slight_smile: The stud is sticking out about 3/4 of a centimeter out of the housing so I think it should be alright to remove.

this sounds like somthing some ricer who wants a s2000 would do.

Lol it happened to nik too, you small penis gino. UTS UTS GINO.

Hey dont heat your housing it will crack! just to let you konw. Also there is no gasket for that part of the turbo.

Are you sure theyre is no gasket? I was told their should be one.

there is a gasket between the turbo extension and the turbo housing.

i dont get that, the turbo produces so much heat, why would heating it with say a heat gun cause it to crack?

Because your motor isn’t running, providing it with oil and coolant.

expand/contract … snap.

But really, a little love from the propane torch is unlikely to do anything

Do you really have 5 bolts holding the elbow on?

Last T25 I saw only had 3 :?

And yes there is a gasket.

If your T25 is of the 3 bolt variety and you want to ditch the elbow altogether, you can use a Honda CR-125 exhaust flange in its place and just run silicone tubing.

Hum why i got my turbine housing brand new it never came with a gasket there… I put some Liquid gasket there anyways… and yes i might crack if you heat.

Yea i tried using penetration oil followed by vice grips, tried to heat it very little, and no success. I think if i tighten real well with 4 other bolts I shouldnt have a leak, or if i do, it will be really small.

so when i’m running my turbo hot enough that the case is glowing red, the oil going through some of the caseing is going to make the temperature difference less than me using a heat gun on it? The casing is the same as the manifold and there is no oil going through that.

So Mark, feel free to use a heat gun, a torch, hell throw it in a fire, its not going to crack. Unless you are heating it up past the eutectic temperature and quenching it in something like liquid nitrogen.

It takes 300 degrees celcius for plain iron to expand a mere 0.4%, and that isn’t heat treated or anything.