How heat sensitive are LCD's

We’re going to be moving and have to sort out a new TV situation… basically the only place we can put a TV in our living room is over the fireplace, and it will have to be an LCD.

How heat sensitive are LCD’s? I am thinking I will need to mount it on the wall a bit above the fireplace, I don’t think I can just have it sit on the mantle. Am I over thinking this ?

not specific to televisions…but LCD’s in general are sensitive to heat, but at temperatures over 130°F. If it reaches much higher then that (150°F+), the the screen can white out.

so there is little to no effect of an occasional hour or two of 80-90 degree ambient temps?

I just didn’t know if it is something that over the life of the screen it would cause it to fail earlier (noticeably earlier)

can u really make a clean install there?

yea, will have to use some wire mold until I get around the chimney though. I don’t think there is enough space in the wall before it hits brick.

I was thinking about doing a projector setup, but I don’t feel like squinting in daylight.

My work laptop gets really hot and I just close it and throw it into my backpack when its on all day and night… no problems yet. That has to come within 1" of the laptop itself that prolly gets 150

dont use the fireplace?


yea, will have to use some wire mold until I get around the chimney though. I don’t think there is enough space in the wall before it hits brick.

I was thinking about doing a projector setup, but I don’t feel like squinting in daylight.


so you would rather stand up to look directly at the tv?


so you would rather stand up to look directly at the tv?


i don’t see how a projector would change the location of where the screen is?

no hes talking about the viewing angle of the LCD compared to the projector. in that case you can just mount the TV at an angle and that would solve that problem.

I’m thinking about doing the same setup, and I’ve been debating the same things. I think I’m going to make a Stainless Steel heat shield to go under the TV. My chimney doesn’t get very hot, but I’m worried about the heated air rising from the fireplace opening… Are plasma TVs more resistant to heat damage?

I think this is a REALLY bad idea. Unless you have a shelf of some sort under the LCD.
Placing the TV that high also goes against accepted proper practice. The TV should be at eye level when you are sitting down.


I think this is a REALLY bad idea. Unless you have a shelf of some sort under the LCD.
Placing the TV that high also goes against accepted proper practice. The TV should be at eye level when you are sitting down.


knows the truth, dumb location for it and will be a bitch to watch…

ok apparently you guys are not listening… I don’t have an option as to where it can go in the room, nor is that what I am asking.

Room layout, the ONLY logical location is over the fireplace, period. Projector or LCD, it is going to be in the same spot. I just do not know if heat from the fireplace would cause premature failure of the TV.

Additionally, for all you guys know the fireplace is only 2 feet high (this is not the case), but I just love how everyone starts speculating on random things, and does not answer the question at hand.

pics of layout for these guys

I don’t see how or why 80-90 degrees would mess with a tv, at all.


yea, will have to use some wire mold until I get around the chimney though. I don’t think there is enough space in the wall before it hits brick.


If your fireplace/chimney is built to current code, it should have a minimum of 8 inches of brick before you get to the flue lining.

So you can easily mount a TV there because most mounting kits don’t penetrate that far in (probably 2-3 inches at most). You should have no problems mounting the TV there, and I highly doubt anywhere around the area will reach over 100 degrees.

cool, thanks. We’re not in the house yet so I don’t know what the details are and I cannot get pictures.

rick thanks for an on topic response :stuck_out_tongue:


Additionally, for all you guys know the fireplace is only 2 feet high (this is not the case), but I just love how everyone starts speculating on random things, and does not answer the question at hand.


relax. Its not personal knocks but important issues that should be brought up. I wouldnt be worried about heat from the flue because there is no way code would allow the WALL to get that hot. I would be worried about heat rising from the actual fireplace.

A projector would not be affected at all since it would need to be on the other side of the room.


Read this.

then especially read this


ok apparently you guys are not listening… I don’t have an option as to where it can go in the room, nor is that what I am asking.


Sounds like how most people answer questions on most forums.