How I fixed the Crack in my Bumper.

I don’t know how many people seen it but my bumper has always been cracked. I cheaply fixed it for the time being with some screws and well, not important how I did it before, but it covered it well from 10ft. So with the Bumper off the car now I decide it was a good Time to start on fixing it a lot less ghetto. And it only cost me $19 and 5 hours worth of work.

  1. I started by taking off my old ghetto rigged screws.
  2. Sanded and prepped the area.
  3. Mixed the Fiberglass resin.
  4. Spread liquid resin apply cloth, repeat as needed.
  5. Wait for it to dry.
  6. Bevel edge and fill with resin(wait for that to dry too)
  7. Sand
  8. Sand
  9. Sand
  10. And more resin
  11. Sand some more
  12. Prime ( I will paint it soon.)
    It is not professional but it looks good enough for me, and it was cheap.
    Here are some pics…

:tup: nice work.

how i fixed the crack in my bumper teeheeehehehehehe

:tup: so are the toybo’s fixed now?

nice feathering

Damn, very nice. :tup:

fwd this information to notch dc5

nice work bro

Good work.

looks fucking spiffy

good job man :tup:


awesome job.:headbang:

that was a hell of a crack, GJ.

Update… I painted the bumper last week this is the first time I have had some free time to post up pics.

Very nice job


Damn, :tup:. awsome job man.

are u experienced with body work and paint?

work looks really good, and it was a very extensive write up

Good job