how is buffalo treating you?


we’re in the #1 school district in WNY. We’re not going anywhere.


what school district?


3/27/2007 at 8:13pm to be exact. :slight_smile:


Oh neat! Congratulations! I stayed off of here this past semester, that’s why I missed that thread. My grades reflect this. :slight_smile:


Arizona…great place to move I’m getting the hell out of here and going there after I get my master’s.


word… AZ is nice

have some family down there too. Always loved to visit. Plus lots to do

I lived in california for awhile.

the difference between san diego and buffalo is large however

but friends and family will keep me here, till friends and family arent around


Where are you going? :frowning:

And I’d like to leave when I’m done with undergrad. I’m not all that impressed with the education I’m getting at UB, so staying here for grad school isn’t an option.


Sorry for the delay in the response Corey.

I will be moving to Rutland, Vermont next summer to attend Green Mountain College for 3 years to get a Bachelors in their Resort Management program @ Killington. Finally found something I want to do career-wise and it’s time to get serious about school. :tup:

After that? Who knows where to.

Edit- I will miss the WNY area though. The stuff I’ve grown up around, and gotten so used to. I won’t however miss the insanely crooked politics of the region. But for the few years, I’ll only be 6-7 hours away.

just moved last weekend :slight_smile:

good job + building new house + (most important part) tons of fucking awesome people in my life = im not goin fuckin anywhere


what school district?



The top 3 shift around from year to year, but even if Williamsville is the #3 school by the time my kid starts school, I’m still fine with that.

WNY does have some real good positives.

  1. You can buy a lot of house for your money, even with the high property taxes.
  2. Very light traffic, but still things to do. Stuff is spread out, so you need a car, but everything is about 20 minutes. I love my car, so this is a big plus for me. I’d never live in a city where it’s normal to not own a car.
  3. Great schools if you live in the right area.
  4. Extremely low crime if you live in the right area.
  5. There are jobs here, but you have to work to make contacts, or be damn good on the interview.
  6. Great place for boaters. I love my boat, and having the upper and lower niagara, erie, ontario, chautauqua and the finger lakes all within range is a huge plus for me.
  7. I actually like seasons. I don’t complain when we get a mild winter, but with global warming that should be a normal thing right. :slight_smile:


Sorry for the delay in the response Corey.

I will be moving to Rutland, Vermont next summer to attend Green Mountain College for 3 years to get a Bachelors in their Resort Management program @ Killington. Finally found something I want to do career-wise and it’s time to get serious about school. :tup:

After that? Who knows where to.

Edit- I will miss the WNY area though. The stuff I’ve grown up around, and gotten so used to. I won’t however miss the insanely crooked politics of the region. But for the few years, I’ll only be 6-7 hours away.


SWEET. That is an interesting major with some real potential. And Vermont is beautiful. :tup: to finding what you like.

Thanks for the good word. I do love it in Vermont. I could definitely see myself starting a family with my girlfriend (VERY soon to be fiance) in Burlington after school.

The program is an awesome program. You can go so many directions after graduation as it gives you a very versatile degree. The other great thing is that your courses from December to March are basically being a paid employee of Killington with full benefits and attending one class a week.

I am incredibly excited about it all, and am going up there to visit for a week in June.

Because clearly, those are the ONLY two options.


I’m here for the forseeable future. If I ever close this business or life forces me too I’m gonna peace the fuck out and go live in europe as a traveling bum and do odd jobs to get by seeing as I have already shouldered more responsibility and worked more than half you bastards ever will in this life time :stuck_out_tongue:


good job + building new house + (most important part) tons of fucking awesome people in my life = im not goin fuckin anywhere


also another reason im happy to be here… just missed a lot of my friends. All my fam. moved out of the US, so all my friends i have here are now my family. Including a lot of people on here…

yes mike lol… you are part of the reason that makes it all worth it to be back here… along with many others

This thread is actually positive

Its good to move out of Buffalo early in your life to get a perspective of how the rest of the country lives.

I moved back to buffalo to be close to my friends and family. Met my future wife here, got a house, good job, things seem to be working out fine. My job outlook in this area was dismal after college graduation, but after a few breaks I was able to move back here with a decent career.

I’ve been away and I’m back, probably for awhile.

I may leave again at some point, but I’ll always end up back here.


This poll fucking sucks.
Who plans on staying somewhere till you die?
When I retire I’m fucking traveling and going places and hopefully dieing in a most awesome fashion.

Will I be staying here for a while >10 years?


werd, im off to mexico at 55-60


  1. Great place for boaters. I love my boat, and having the upper and lower niagara, erie, ontario, chautauqua and the finger lakes all within range is a huge plus for me.


:word: The father in law has one, and lives on the water on GI with his own dock. Walking across the street and hopping in for a cruise whenever we want is the greatest thing ever. My fiance doesn’t like the idea of me getting another motorcycle or a “toy” car, but fully supports getting a boat. :headbang: I actually have to reign her in because boating is fucking expensive and we’re not quite there yet. We’d get one this summer if it were up to her. :tup:

Speaking of the water, show me another part of the country where you can get a nice house on the water in a nice area for under half a mil. Sometimes well under half a mil. If the GI school system was better I’d be heading up there in a few years.

I love this location, Canada is very close, LOTS to do around here!

Buffalo gets this NYC’ers seal of approval

Doubt I’ll end up there again however, but wouldn’t mind having many a ho-rahs.

“where you going on vacation Howie?”



i’m happy here in Buffalo so unless that ever changes…i’m not leaving!!