how is buffalo treating you?


Speaking of the water, show me another part of the country where you can get a nice house on the water in a nice area for under half a mil. Sometimes well under half a mil. If the GI school system was better I’d be heading up there in a few years.


u used to be able to do it in Long Island.

Also, my parents bought a 3.5 acre lot in NC right on the intercoastal for < 100k.

oh and Coastal Boating >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lake boating x89032490829085390825


oh and Coastal Boating >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lake boating x89032490829085390825


Depends on what you like to do. I like to wakeboard, so river boating > lake boating > coastal boating. If it’s a windy Saturday we just trailer down to the Lewiston and play in the lower niagara. With those big cliffs on either side I can usually find some calm water there even on really windy days. And since it drops off to about 30-150 feet of water no more than 10 feet from shore that really helps too.

Moved out, came back. We’ll see where this takes me.


  1. You can buy a lot of house for your money, even with the high property taxes.


The property taxes are really that high. As a % sure they’re up there, but as actual dollar amount they’re pretty reasonable. If Amherst were to have property values in line with other suburbs outside of major cities and the same tax level the dollar amount would be just as high but your mortgage would be double. If you look at the services you get in Amherst it’s a reasonable amount of money to ask for.

If biotech keeps growing like it is, I’ll stay. If not, San Diego sounds nice.

Could be leaving by the end of summer…

Well. There you have it. Buffalo sucks for some, is awesome for others. It offers what I want, so I like it. It doesn’t offer what other’s want, so they don’t. Conclusive proof that Buffalo is…a city.


^ You have to add in a little, “the grass is always greener on the other side” too. Proved by the people who left and came back.

Speaking of the water, show me another part of the country where you can get a nice house on the water in a nice area for under half a mil. Sometimes well under half a mil. If the GI school system was better I’d be heading up there in a few years.[/quote]
right across the border

The only thing I don’t like about Buffalo is the weather.

Other than that, I have a good job, my wife has a good job, housing costs aren’t crazy, my family is all here and there isn’t a better place to be in the summer.

Now, if I were to move it would be to the Phoenix or San Diego area, maybe even Maryland.


The property taxes are really that high. As a % sure they’re up there, but as actual dollar amount they’re pretty reasonable. If Amherst were to have property values in line with other suburbs outside of major cities and the same tax level the dollar amount would be just as high but your mortgage would be double. If you look at the services you get in Amherst it’s a reasonable amount of money to ask for.


yes, but if you factor in more money that you can get for the same job(at least in my field) …it’s pretty high…i mean average income in other cities are higher…
at least in my case…in chicago…



I’m here for the forseeable future. If I ever close this business or life forces me too I’m gonna peace the fuck out and go live in europe as a traveling bum and do odd jobs to get by seeing as I have already shouldered more responsibility and worked more than half you bastards ever will in this life time :stuck_out_tongue:


as i said before…yes i might be back for retirement…quiet city,clean no crime…cheap houses…but then same goes for canada…and gov supported health…


as i said before…yes i might be back for retirement…quiet city,clean no crime…cheap houses…but then same goes for canada…and gov supported health…


Ugh Canada is nice to visit but I would never live there. I deal with Canadians all the time and they are all whiney, entitled pains in the ass.


[quote=BikerFry]Speaking of the water, show me another part of the country


right across the border[/quote]


You can also get some pretty intense costal property in Costa Rica, but I don’t want to move to the third world. Although I’d be more likely to consider moving to Costa Rica than Canada…


Well. There you have it. Buffalo sucks for some, is awesome for others. It offers what I want, so I like it. It doesn’t offer what other’s want, so they don’t. Conclusive proof that Buffalo is…a city.



i should have made this a multiple choice to reflect the age, education, job position, and salary…seems like older people(i guess people with kids??sorry if i offend you…i am old too then…so…) prefer to stay here…who has a stable job and/or own bussiness…am i right??


yes, but if you factor in more money that you can get for the same job(at least in my field) …it’s pretty high…i mean average income in other cities are higher…
at least in my case…in chicago…


You better be making 3x’s there what you would here. A shit hole in a decent part of Chicago will run you over $350k.


^ You have to add in a little, “the grass is always greener on the other side” too. Proved by the people who left and came back.


yeah,but then how many people comes to buffalo for edu or job then leave?? i mean as far as i know population in buffalo is decreasing…


i should have made this a multiple choice to reflect the age, education, job position, and salary…seems like older people(i guess people with kids??sorry if i offend you…i am old too then…so…) prefer to stay here…who has a stable job and/or own bussiness…am i right??


What? Your posts make my head hurt. Finish one thought before you start another. :slight_smile: I picture this when i read your posts:


as i said before…yes i might be back for retirement…quiet city,clean no crime…cheap houses…but then same goes for canada…and gov suppressed health…


Again, not really sure what thought you’re trying to form here, but fixed.

Anyhow, I think I get the gist of what you mean. Yeah this place has its ups and downs and isn’t for everyone. I would like to live somewhere else for a while, but my future looks pretty bright here. Hence I voted for live and die here. :tup:


yeah,but then how many people comes to buffalo for edu or job then leave?? i mean as far as i know population in buffalo is decreasing…


^ Oh I realize the population is decreasing, but it doesn’t mean people are necessarily making a good decision. A lot of people are fed up with NY’s liberal government spending and out of control taxes, or leave because they see jobs paying better money in other cities. But then they get there and realize even though taxes are lower and they’re making more money, their actual quality of life is less than they had before they moved.

350k homes that would be 150k in WNY, paying for private school because the public schools are nothing like the good ones here in WNY, hour+ commutes to work compared to my 5 minute drive to the office etc etc.

If you can find a decent job, which can be a bit more work than in other booming areas of the country, this can be a great place to live. Both my wife and I have changed career type jobs twice since we left school, and neither time did we have issues finding jobs here. There are signs politics might be changing, but that has a LOOOOOONG ways to go and a huge fight with some very powerful unions and career politicians ahead.