how many 240's have you gone through

Still own 3.


'95 coupe Green
'95 coupe Red
'97 coupe Black
'92 coupe White

Still have the last 2, and will always have the Kouki.


91 black coupe
89 blue hatch
93 green hatch
89 two-tone coupe
90 black hatch
90 gold coupe
90 white hatch
96 green s14
95 red s14
91 black hatch
93 white coupe

for all u people who have owned hatchs and coupe…which have u enjoyed more?..if their is already a post on this just link it for me srry…just want an opinion of people who have owned both

thats 5

i prefer a hatch

frig i cant remember them all…

black 89 coupe (second car)… got rid of it because of frame rot
1993 black coupe crashed it
1991 gold coupe, painted it black, killed by deer
1991 blue coupe still own it

1995 black S14 bought and sold
1997 blakc Kouki bought still own it
1997 black kouki bought and sold

at least 3 black hatch backs i bought, swapped plates onto them and drove them for maybe a total of 3 years intermittently… when they got to the point of needing major work i sold or parted them out.

a dozen parts cars…

paid anywhere from $0 to $800 and parted out at least 8 cars not including the ones above.

had 2 red S13 hatches with SR20’s in them too…

frig… the more i think about it there are soooo many funny stories… pretty much every one i bought was hiliarous.

swapping plates onto them, driving them around the corner then calling CAA to come pick it up… even if it was T-boned right to hell out in London… out of a SONling’s driveway in Stouffville in a massive snow storm… got to a guy in Mississauga and bought a black hatch like 5 minutes before 2 other SONlings showed up to try and outbid me, CAA’s it back too…lol

fuck so many great tales.

we can have a campfire session one day.

Talk to people who have owned only hatches, they say hatches are best.
Talk to people who have owned only coupes, they say coupes are best.
Talk to people who have owned both coupes and hatches, they say coupes are where it’s at!

Cliff’s: Coupes = :biggthumpup: …no lie

coupe indeed. i love them . such a shame . i think i will be 240less this year =( . hopeing i find the right one,for the right price. fuck i am getting desperate. where any of your cars auto ? never had a auto 240 and never will. they lick ass lol

Haha nope… all 5 speeds. that would not be very fun. Just had a thought… I wonder what an auto sr would feel like… even more torque-less I would think.

Hey Bing, remember bringing this one back from Guelph?

Good times.

haha.torque-less.its going to be a nice weekend, i already started drinking, man i want to go to the trak events this year. but 240less and carless.maybe one of you can drive me lol

whats good with rum?i don’t have any juice or coke left. any suggestions theo?

ice? :slight_smile:

is it me or is Bing always licking stuff…

but you can’t fit a lazyboy recliner in a coupe, or a motor in the trunk

hatch ftw

Wrong Theo! It’s 50/50! Jammin owns both a coupe and a hatch and he still likes hatches more!

so true. I have had 2 hatchbacks and now have my coupe and i love my coupe soooo much more. Im so done with hatchbacks. I dont even find them attractive anymore lol

I’m amazed at the amount of cars some of you have gone throu…

I’m still on my 1st which I purchased in 2004.

I’ve had 3 s13’s… and still have 1. 1 coupe and 2 hatches

IMO hatch looks way better. I might try a vert next or a kouki s14. stock s13 coupes looks a li’l confused but silvia frontends looks good. no bashing just an opinion.