How many cell phones do you need?

So, with the wifey at walmart yesterday, and saw something I just cannot understand.

This chick, her sister or friend or whatever the fuck she was, and their kids In walmart, I need not say what “type” of people these were as its walmart and you can already guess.

So, this chick is talking on her cellphone obnoxiously in the store, i then look to see she’s got 2 more on her hip. So I’m like wtf, thinking maybe one is her friends or something, maybe even the kids. Nope… they were all hers, he friend had 2 on her, and even one of the kids had one.

What in the fuck do you need 3 cell phones for? Seriously?!

One for the babbys daddy, the other for all the men shes fucking that her man doesnt know about, and the third for drugs?

So were out in the parking lot, and here she is juggling all 3 of them talking on 2 at once, putting one down picking back up the other one… Like really? Are you that awesome you need 3 phoens and need to talk to everyone, because god forbid someone has to wait to talk to your holiness?


I have friends that have multiple phones. One phone for family/close friends GF/wife, other phone for hoes one for work. You don’t want peeps you don’t know/hoes/ calling your main line etc.

Celebs do this as well I believe.

I feel that this is clearly her situation as well.

Why not just get a Google Voice account? lol.

Wait who has just one phone??

dealers always have more than one phone lol

I’m didn’t know people still only used on phone, I have one for every contact.

I have one for my dog. He is a big talker, runs up my minutes.

People that have to hop back and fourth between countries that don’t want to pay for the high roaming fees? at least thats the case with my dad.

i had two once. my school gave me one, it was like there thing to keep the campus connected

I ran with two for awhile. Verizon handed me a phone for work and all I paid was taxes, so I used that for work, gave that number to my customers/boss/boss’ boss. Otherwise I have my personal Crackberry, which runs Shift very well :slight_smile:

Drug dealers have multiple phones

At one point I had three phones, but I didn’t carry them all.

iPhone, work phone, old verizon phone that was cheaper to keep than cancel.

so youre admitting to being a drug dealer?

^ Haha That’s what it sounds like!

How many cell phones do you need?

only legit answer is: zero.

being a drug dealer is the cool thing to be when you’re not one

I have one that I use for personal calls and some work stuff. I have another with an international prepaid SIM card w/ a UK number I use when traveling to other countries for work. I don’t keep that one on all the time though.

This is the best answer of all. Every day most calls I get are just incompetent people that are too god damn lazy to actually figure something out themselves so they call me. :banghead

Some people are just THAT important.

The best part is that NY gives these welfare sucking pieces of shit a cell phone with minutes on it