how many of u still

I def. agree with how friends interests change. 2-3 of my closest friends (did everything together) we got into cars, doing engines swaps ect. then they just get out of it. They end up looking at modding cars as a waste of money/time (sometimes true) and turn there back on it. Then they get married and pop out 3-4 kids and want a devorice. Some try to talk cars with me like old times, but there talk is so empty (hard to explain what I mean). Its like they’re 17 yrs old again. Doing the benchracing. Telling me, “oh, Im going to get this fbody and do this or that.” Both of us knowing the wife wont let you. Its sad.

OH BTW: I’m 28 and only hang out with one friend I’ve hung out with since we were 15. I still see others that I’ve known longer but…they’re married and have a different lifestyle.