How many of you think you are a healthy eater?

Just wondering, and how many of you healthy eater actually calculate how much sodium do you consume each day?

I am not a big guy and not a heavy eater, but it is almost impossible to stick to a daily diet that only contain between 2300~1500mg of sodium. Unless you starve yourself pretty much everyday, it is pretty much impossible…:banghead

whats with the concern for sodium?

Nothing, so long as your potassium intake is equally as high.


My homemade soup probably has the recommended daily sodium intake in one bowl alone, and I eat that 3-5 times a week. :rofl

So you are saying if you OD on potassium, you can have as much sodium as you want and that is healthy.

Relativly healthy, I probably have 2-3 non healthy meals a week. Based on how much I drink my doctor told me Ill probably need a new kidney by the time im 50 though:(

Sully eats extremely healthy…

LMAO. I knew I’d find this post somewhere.


For the most part, you are :lmao

A few treatz a day is fineeee.


Yea, Sully eats healthy if you consider 500/g of carbs per meal healthy.

lmao. You should see what Stallmer eats everyday! :lol Yummy treatz are soooo tempting though, I’d hate to see them go to waste!

Haha. Me and Sully could eat an entire supermarket.

I try my best.

Yogurt for breakfast, apple for lunch and normally a good low fat home cooked meal for dinner.

Ill have a few snacks at night but usually just a few pretzels or homemade cookies.

I let myself eat a little more stuff on weekends but not during the week.

Stay away from processed/frozen/fast foods and you wont have an issue with sodium. Super healthy eaters usually dont get enough, everyone else gets way too much.

it is amazing how changing lil things in your diet can make a huge difference. I adjusted a few things and lost about 30pds last couple months.

You are referring to Hyperkalemia? It is a non issue so long as your sodium intake is sufficiently equal to your potassium intake and your kidneys aren’t retarded.

I eat whatever I want whenever I want.

Fat fuck