How many of you think you are a healthy eater?

I see you’re drinking 1%. Is that 'cause you think you’re fat? ’

Been to 2 so far today and I managed to leave without any items. I’ll probably get a shake for the way home once I hit the Massena shop. Fuck this drive, 210 miles one way.

I like Bachmans BarBQue chips. nom nom

Lololol “cause you’re not, you could be drinking whole if you wanted to”

I stopped drinking milk a few years back and switch to soy (except for an occasional 1% chocolate milk), the only true down side is it cost more and it had more sodium in it than milk.

Im dieing over hurr

richie is fat ugly smells like poop and will never be as strong as me… and he loves psi2high like an adopted son
