how many p...

how many people do you think are acutualy sitting in the dark right now(earth hour)? is it just me or is this a waste of time?


i turned off all the light but my computer lol

i got everything off in my house…my parents and sister are all for it…so i just unplugged my laptop and am sittin here bored

lol i turned everything oof in my house and talking to my dad

wtf??? im lost…

lol there is a earth hour and there is like 4 or something continents turning off all the electricity that is not needed

fuck earth hour

lol not cool

I turned the lights off, its not a very big deal to spend some time in the dark, I may not care about street racing, but I do care about energy.

thumbs up^^^

fkin tree huggers why are none of the big office towers sitting in the dark?
why dont we get a earth hour on a wednesday at 2 pm??

i turned on all the lights in my house and put on the AC. But then it got cold so i threw on the heat also. thanks for all the spare power guys!

I was in the garage and some idiots started honking at me to turn off the lights because it was earth hour.

I did it… not a big deal… just 1 hour.

I’m at work and we’ve got our lights off…haha you should have a look at their page is black in the name of Earth Hour!

I turn the lights off!!! and went to sleep.

candles fireplace and wife = i suport earth hour lol
went alittle over too


man it was crap, my dod forced us to turn off the lights… yet i saw ALL of newmarket, northern richmond hill and vaughan had all their lights on still.

they cant even get everyone to be silent for one lowsy minute on rememberance day as a sign of respect for the men and women who lost their lives defending our country and freedom. How the fuck do they expect all of north america to turn the electricity off for an hour lol. its just the government tryin to look like they give a fuk.

you mean just the men right? because women werent allowed to fight in that war. it was only men that lost their lives on the front lines but women wanted equality so they threw themselves into the mix.