how many p...

bunch of ignorant fucks all those that bashed earth hour… its one measly hour is it going to kill you to conserve a little bit of energy…it should be everyday if you ask me! one hour! one hour to get to know your girlfriend/wife/family a little better, one hour to take a little walk! just one measly hour!!! is that too much to ask? out of 8760 hours in a year they ask for ONE and still you complain!

i wish everyone had a limited supply of energy per day… those that conserve make it through the day just fine… those that ‘fuck earth hour’ will be begging and sucking dick on the corner for just 1 kilowatt of energy to power they’re worthless existance for 1 more worthless minute!

My Family Killed everything in support, lights, tv, computers, we didn’t drive either… Honestly its a sick idea, and if you heard about how much energy that 1 hour acctually would save in $$$ money it was insane. Thumbs up for such a easy task yet such a great cause,

+1 but a bit too far on the dick part lol

you crack me up bing
exaclty fuck earth hour

We have Earth Hour every fucking day, it’s called night time when we all go to sleep and turn off the lights. It’s fucking Earth 8 Hours. Fucking hippies.

lol ur funny cause if you look at toronto;s downtown at night its like a candle

If you are talking about clubs, they have Earth hour during the day. lol

^^^lol thats true but the actual bulidings ins wontown and rogers centre waste a ton of energy every night btw one hour of earth hour every year isn’t going to hurt anybody

Forgot till 8:11pm, turn out all the light, then went for a drive to see what the support was like. Don’t worry, my company car is a Hybrid Camry so its okay to drive during earth hour :wink:

it has good intention, but then you see all the ttc busses and trains spitting out black shit every day you have to ask. why doesnt the government try and fix some of these other problems. i do my part and turn off the lights after leaving a room or if no one is in a room turn it off but no matter what everyone does we have already screwed the earth up to the point where it will take hundreds of years with no electricity to undo. but all in all earth hour was ok. i think its mostly just to raise awareness.

Hybrids are a sham.

but think about this thats 1 bus with 30+ people, spitting black smoke… as opposed to 30+ cars with only 1 person, spitting out black smoke!

so does that mean your just going to give up!? quitting is for losers!

doppleganger postage

earth hour is retarded, like boycotting gas stations for an hour…

you save a buck or two on electricity, if you were serious you’d cut down usage every day, and if you think it’s going to save planet resources, how exactly? did the power plants shut down for an hour too? hell no, they will have had slight overcapacity in the grid, and lost some revenue

lol people and their stupid lazy attitudes about their planet tsk tsk tsk

I dont mean to single you out…but I see you’re on the right track, but every little does count. It’s easy to fall into the mentality of “no one else cares, why should I?”

but for those who don’t understand why the government is trying to raise awarness, may I suggest a little light reading?

If you read that, you’ll understand why.

I don’t think a lot of people take energy issue seriously. Or the impact it has on society…not to mention the environment…

What makes the world markets turn? Money? Bullion?

Look around again…Oil

what spurred the industrial revolution? Heck…what even made cars viable? Cheap crude oil

Go search Hubberts Peak, and you’ll see why energy awareness is something that is a necessity rather than a problem we sweep under the rug.

Then open your eyes and see what REALLY goes on in the world.

I molested a korean chick :slight_smile: Does it still count if it took more than just that hour?

I know what you’re saying, but I think the whole point of Earth Hour though is to raise awareness and thus encourage people to cut back a little in the longer-term, or at least think twice.

^^^^^^ i agree with DarkForceJackal on that one its just to raise awareness like that comercial thats been on every channel saying just click it (turn your lights off one) i always turn my lights off in the room if im not in there even if i plan on going back just raised that way i geuss its tought me quite a bit tho i live on my own and my hydro bills are cheap because of it i think they should have a earth day now that would raise some serious awareness to this situation

Ignoramus Maximus!

its not about saving a buck or two on our energy bill… its about saving a a decade or two of your childrens future!

and thats the whole point! to get people aware and start conserving a little everyday!

if the power plants jumped off a bridge would you jump to??

you fail!