how many soda/pop/energy drinks do you consume per week?

idea came from the patterson thread.

how many servings (consider a soda can 1, a redbull, use common sense) do you consume per week.

also have you cut down from in your past?

don’t be stupid and select all the options…

during college and for a few years after I was probably around 10 per week… now it’s about one every couple weeks or so. It’s made a big difference.

hmm, i’d imagine its around 4-5. I drink about 2 cans of redbull doing bombs on a drinking night, and a couple pops here and there over the course of a week. I switched to seltzer water though for consistent drinking, and my drink of choice from captain/coke to captain/diet.

Hardly ever drink pop. I might grab a dew once every couple weeks for an afternoon pick me up. Since I quit coffee I don’t touch energy drinks.


I assume you mean regular not diet.(?)

I used to never drink it but my GF LOVES it, so i find myself drinking it every so often during the week. If we eat out she always gets soda, i get water, then take a few sips of hers…

poll fail no beer

good joke beer is so cool

you raging drunk you

start you own beer poll if you want…

diet counts for this game… it’s still soda and not good for you (even if a lot better than the alternative)


I drink diet though

i may have a couple of sodas with my alcohol every few weeks.


At least it’s diet. I’ve been drinking more water for the last 3 weeks since I started getting up early each day to exercise.

i drink energy drinks like it my job. im pretty sure i’ve had every kind there is lol

depends on how many bombs I do when im drinking.

other than that, 0

edit: I drink 2 cups of coffee in the morning with sugar free creamer, then one from timmys after lunch (2 sgr/1 crm)


One serving a week if that. I rarely consume ANY caffeine, including coffee.

at least 1 coke/day, occassionally 2 or 3 so I’m easily over 10

I have 1-2 cans of Monster a day during the work-week (Instead of 5-10 cups of coffee); and soda at home (athough the only soda’s I really drink are ginerale and sprite)

1-3 a week.